I'm using a specific toolchain (the one that comes with the BlackBerry Playbook NDK). I think it's based on GCC 4.4.2. When I try compiling certain libraries with this toolchain, I run into strange issues with what I think is c++ global namespace stuff. For example, I'll get errors like:

'::sprintf' has not been declared

I never get these errors when linking against the GNU c++ standard library. However, the Playbook NDK uses the Dinkumware C++ libs by default and I always have to go through each error and usually add in the C equivalent (stdio.h in this case). For reasons beyond my control, I can't link to the GNU c++ standard library, which doesn't exhibit any of these problems.

If I'm trying to compile a bigger project, I can get hundreds of these errors. Is there a workaround that doesn't involve editing the source? In the above example, the file would usually include "cstdio" as a header, but that declares sprintf under the 'std' namespace. So the only options I have are to include the C header or add the std namespace.


3 回答 3


实际上,C++ 标准要求标准库中声明的所有符号(包括<c....>头文件中的 C 库)都可以在std::命名空间中访问。它并不禁止它们出现在全局命名空间中,并且出于向后兼容性的原因,C++ 标准库的一些实现(例如 libstdc++)选择让它们出现在全局命名空间中。


  • 您可以继续直接包含 C 标头(如<stdio.h>),但通常不鼓励这样做,因为它们可能不了解 C++ 并且可能会产生冲突 (1)
  • 您可以为每个呼叫添加前缀,尽管这可能不切实际
  • 您可以挑选您使用的符号:using std::printf;在文件顶部或在每个函数中
  • 您可以直言不讳地提出using namespace std;指令。但是你会拉很多东西......



// cstdio.hpp

#include <cstdio>

#if defined(_DIRKUMWARE_) // note: you'll have to research the symbol to check
namespace yournamespace {
    using std::printf;
    using std::vptrinf;
} // namespace yournamespace
#endif // defined(_DIRKUMWARE_)


注 (1):C 标准没有规定功能是由函数还是由宏提供。通常,min并且max可能是宏。C++ 标准要求函数,这就是为什么使用 C++ 头文件通常更安全的原因。

于 2012-06-10T17:59:15.650 回答


根据 C++ 标准:


包括在全局命名空间和可能在 std 命名空间stdio.h中导入符号名称。

这是因为 C++ 标准很好地定义了这种行为,只是不太为人所知。

于 2012-06-10T17:52:35.077 回答


GCC 有一个名为的命令行选项-include,允许您在编译其余部分之前强制源文件包含文件。您可以修改您的 Makefile 或项目构建脚本的等效文件来为您做包含。

// c_includes.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

g++ -include c_includes.h ...
于 2012-06-10T17:57:46.827 回答