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actionscript-3 - 如何使用 Adob​​e Flash CS6 运行涉及 away3d 的代码?

我最近下载了 Flash CS6 并想用它设置一个 3d 引擎。

我下载了 Away3d,但现在我无法设置它,因为我是新手。

这是我要运行的代码 - 取自该网站 - http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/creating-games-away3d.html

我在 Adob​​e Flash CS6 中添加了 away3d src 文件夹。但是当我运行这段代码时,我看到一个空白屏幕。


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actionscript-3 - ActionScript3 外部预加载器不会播放影片剪辑


我有一个外部预加载 SWF,它只包含一个图层上的影片剪辑 (loader_graphic),在第一个(也是唯一一个)帧中;和另一层上的加载脚本,在第一帧。影片剪辑只是一个没有进度指示器的简单循环动画。如果我不包含脚本,它会很好用。

该脚本加载外部 SWF,它本身就可以正常工作。

当我结合这两者时,我得到了影片剪辑的第一帧,然后它冻结,直到外部 SWF 完全加载。加载后,它会播放一次并停止。我对 AS3 有点陌生,我知道预加载是已经改变的约定之一,所以我可能没有正确编码:


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actionscript-3 - 我把代码放在哪里?

我正在研究 Flash,简单地说,我不知道在哪里放置代码。

我习惯了 Visual IDE,我可以将对象从工具箱拖到工作区/画布上,然后查看此对象事件处理程序的列表并将代码放在特定事件处理程序下。

Flash 似乎不是这样工作的。工具箱中没有Button对象,这意味着您需要使用矩形工具绘制一个矩形,然后使用Convert to Symbol将其转换为一个按钮。现在我有一个按钮,我想将标签的文本更改为“Hello World”。



  • 在 Flash CS6 中,如何访问按钮的单击事件?
  • 在 Flash CS6 中,如何识别标签(或任何其他对象)以访问对象属性?


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actionscript-3 - 简化从单个 Flash 项目发布适用于 android、iphone、swf 和 air 的 Flash CS6 AS3 代码的过程的最佳方法是什么?

我有一个使用 Flash CS6 开发的 Flash 项目 (AS3)。我正在为 iOS 设备、Android 设备、桌面(air)和网络浏览器(swf)进行开发。到目前为止,我已经能够使用单个代码库,例如在发布到每个代码库时只进行一些修改 -

当用户按下使用 flash.desktop.NativeApplication 类的主页按钮时,我有一些代码可以处理在移动设备上退出应用程序。显然,这对于桌面或 swf 版本来说是不需要的,所以当我发布这些内容时,我会注释掉相关的导入语句和监听按下的主页按钮的代码。

我还有一个加载一些设置的 config.xml 文件,对于 swf,它与 swf 文件不在同一目录中,因此在加载 swf 对象时传入此配置文件的位置(flashvars)。但是对于所有其他版本,该文件的路径只是 config.xml,所以我注释掉处理 flashvars 加载的代码 -





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air - Adobe Flash CS6 - AIR 导出错误“CreateWinProces 失败”

通过尝试在 Flash CS6 (Windows XP) 中调试 AIR 项目,会发生此错误并且 Flash 不再响应:

CreateWinProcess 失败,错误 2。系统找不到指定的文件。

这个错误甚至会出现一个新的空项目 .fla 文件。我已经将 Air 运行时和 Flash 更新到了最新版本。



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xcode - XCode: Looking for Tween & Morph Object solutions

I'm currently developing an iPhone app with Xcode. Part of the app requires the morph (or tween) of one shape into another shape. I know that using Adobe Flash Pro CS6 I can export a 'shape tween' to an iOS app using the built in AIR. The problem is that it does not give me any Objective C code that I can use, just a compiled app. That app cannot be inserted into my development, or have items parsed into it.

The Mac app 'FlashCode', converts SWF into Xcode code, but doesn't yet support shape tweens.

Any ideas how to deal with this?

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actionscript-3 - Flash 和 ActionScript 3:根据光标的 x 轴位置更改帧

如果你导航到这个 Flash 网站上的画廊页面,你可以看到丁丁按照我的描述进行操作。我用谷歌搜索了几次,但没有找到任何东西。非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢!


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actionscript-3 - 如何在其中心旋转动作脚本中的精灵



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adobe - Adobe flash CS6 ActionScript 2 中的抛物线

在学校,我一直在创建一个可以教你如何处理抛物线的游戏。唯一的问题是;我不知道如何在Adob​​e flash cs6 ActionScript 2中创建抛物线。我需要能够在“游戏中”插入一个完全插入时应该出现的抛物线公式。

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audio - flash sound malfunction

Problem summary:

A sound (stream) placed inside a movie clip that is within another movie clip will start playing continuously when I use the play control to jump around on the main timeline.


I am using Flash CS3 but the same issue occurs with CS6. I've spent quite a bit time to search/research for the issue but didn't find a solution. To demonstrate the problem, I've reduced the flash movie to a very simple structure.

One the main timeline:

  • The first frame has a movie clip (Game MC) and a stop action.
  • Following the first frame, there are several frames, mostly empty except some text.
  • The last frame has a stop action.

On the Game MC timeline:

  • There is only one frame. On that frame, there is a movie clip (Card MC), and the stop action.

On the Card MC timeline:

  • It starts with 3 blank frames and a stop action.
  • Starting at frame 4, a sound (.wav format) is placed and is set to be "stream."
  • At the end of this timeline, there is a stop action.

From Flash CS3, I press Ctrl+Enter to test the movie. The movie stops on frame 1 of the main timeline with the card showing, no sound, as expected. Now I use "." to move the play head forward one frame at a time. No problem. I see the frames after the first frame. Still no sound, as expected. So far so good.

The problem starts when I use "," to move the play head backward, the sound in the Card MC starts to play, regardless where the play head is, even when the Game MC (thence the Card MC) is not on the stage. Worse, each press of "," will trigger another start of the same sound overlapping with the previous one. And the sound would continue in loops until I close the swf.

However, the problem will not occur if I place the Card MC directly on the main timeline. It only occurs when it is inside another movie clip (Game MC).

I need to solve this problem because the full version of the flash card game is to be placed in an HTML page with a javascript based play control, which allows the viewer to jump around in the swf timeline.

The fla file is at: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_5mgotjr4l5RDZaOGxFeFFWN1U/edit?pli=1

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
