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python - openerp 中的嵌套视图

我试图在树视图中显示一个未在对象字段中直接引用的字段,在我的情况下为 stock.picking。我试图显示的字段被其他引用的字段引用,在我的例子中:

我已经修改了 xml 视图添加:


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ruby-on-rails - 哪些 ERP 有一个不错的 Ruby 连接器或构建了完整的 API?

我是一名 Ruby on Rails 开发人员,正在寻找具有 Ruby 连接器或我可以使用的非常强大、全面的 API 的开源 ERP。

我知道 Ruby 有 XLSuite,但它似乎有点过时了,我只是在探索其他平台。

到目前为止,我发现的最接近的是 OpenERP + OOOR gem。我对 OpenERP 的担忧是人们发布的错误和问题的数量——我使用 ERP 开始而不是构建任何定制的唯一原因是,我不必修复平台上的核心错误并专注于定制。

当然,如果这不存在,另一种选择是通过 API 访问许多 ERP 功能。如果是这种情况,对于具有非常彻底、稳定的 API 的 ERP 有什么建议吗?

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installation - 如何在 OpenERP 6 中安装 product_images_olbs 模块?

尝试安装模块 product_images_olbs 时出现错误“没有对 product.group_product_manager 的引用”。

我有一个在 Ubuntu 10.04 上运行的 OpenERP V 6.0.2 实例。但似乎我遇到了记录在案的错误。当我想安装一些模块时,这个错误出现在客户端(在 Windows 上运行):

我试图安装 product_images_olbs 模块

经过一些研究,我发现了 2 个似乎适合的错误报告:



编辑:这种情况下的解决方案实际上是我必须使用最新版本的 product_images_olbs。

我以为我在使用它,但事实并非如此,这是由于我对 bazaar 的错误使用造成的。(我来自 git,但越来越习惯集市;)


这是 \addons\product_images_olbs\security\ir.model.access.csv 的新版本(来自修订版 5486):


旧文件引用了 product.group_product_manager,这对于 OpenERP 6.0.2 不再正确

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dynamics-crm - 微软动态——选择哪一个;ERP 或 CRM

我需要使用 Microsoft Dynamics 准备一个内部项目管理和会计应用程序。我的要求类似于以下页面中的说明:


有人可以建议我们应该使用 ERP 还是 CRM?以及使用哪一个,即 SL、GP、NAV、AX?为什么?

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1366 浏览

c# - 使用 C#/Windows 应用程序的 ERP 集成

我需要从外部(外部)将一些数据字段(例如:客户电话等)插入到已经开发/工作(安装)的 ERP 发票应用程序中。当我打开 ERP 应用程序时,这些字段应自动出现在表单中特定订单的应用程序中。目前,外部数据正在手动输入到 ERP 应用程序中。我需要使用其他应用程序(如 C# Windows 应用程序)从不同的地方集成到 ERP 应用程序。我们可以访问ERP数据库。如何在外部使用 C#/windows 应用程序来解决这个问题。

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magento - JD Edwards 和 Magento

有任何机构像 (SAP,Jd edwards) 用 magento 集成 ERP。可能吗?将 ERP 系统与 Magento 集成必须了解哪些事项?

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erp - Employee Self Service in OFBiz

I am looking into OFBiz HR module, there leave functionality is implemented perfectly. But i am not understand few points. Even if i login as demoemployee i can apply leave for Admin. This sould not be the case.

Please verify the following steps:

  1. Logged in as demoemployee: (uid: demoemployee, pwd:ofbiz)
  2. Navigate to HR --> Human Resources --> Leave
  3. Click on "New Leave" button
  4. Select partyid as "admin" The Administrator, and other fields... and click on "Create".
  5. The leave has been created for admin.

I want to know how to restrict employee to apply his/her own leaves.

Is ofbiz can be used for Employee-Self-Service functionalities like updating his own details/viewing his own salary details, updating his own leavs....

Thanks, Chandrasekhar K.

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architecture - Designig an ERP system

I am providing a top level technical design of an ERP system. I have come up with an draft , but would need help to decide if I am on the right track.

I am taking baby steps, so I am concentrating on the HR module, as we all are familiar with it.

An HR module mainly has Payroll, Leave, Appraisal, Employee Welfare. All the HR modules run as batch processes in the night.

I would like to make the ERP cross - platform , so decided on python / C++ ( wxPython / wxWidgets come to my mind, or I may use normal Python /C++ )

I am not sure what shall the middleware be, if someone can help me with that that would be great. if you can provide me with advantages/ disadvantages of the middle ware that would be excellent, otherwise please mention the name of the middle ware, I shall look up the rest.

I possess skils in C, C++, and C#, so I am bit biased with C++, but your opinion counts .

Please feel free to provide your comments on the above design too.


John is an employee of an organisation, which has 10,000 employees. John has a gross salary of 1000 USD.

Lets forget the ERP stuff for sometime and think a design for the following :-

  1. HR enters Johns salary of 1000 in the UI

  2. The data is passed to to the business layer via the Web service ( I think Python shall be a good choice)

  3. The business layer is responsible for the deductions; not only for John but for the 10,000 employees who work in the organisation ( C++ is probably the language of choice ).

  4. After deductions, the net salary is passed to the queue ( not sure of the middleware , please suggest)

  5. The payroll process runs every month end, fetches data from the message queue and updates the database.

    Lets say while execution of the process , there is a power cut, so the process did not run completely, and the salary details for some employees were not updated. In this case the message queue should retain the unprocessed data, and before the next payroll process runs, the unprocessed data should be processed first.

  6. The database stores the data. ( have not decided on the database yet )

Domain expertise is there , so I am looking for suggestion on betterment of the architectural design.

You are welcome to say "No, this is not the correct approach , you should do like XYZ". with a why is your approach better. This shall help me in comparing between your approach and mine.

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open-source - OpenERP 可以换肤吗?

我查看了 OpenERP 和 Google 的网站,并没有找到任何关于 OpenERP 皮肤的参考。我知道必须保留徽标,但如果我想改善其外观,有什么方法可以创建皮肤吗?


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reporting - 如何在 OpenERP 服务器源代码中找到(并可能扩展)报告的可用字段名称列表?

在创建或扩展 OpenOffice/LibreOffice 报告文件时,我正在寻找一种可靠的方法来获取可用数据字段的名称。


例如,在文件 addons\base\res\partner\partner.py 中,我找到了合作伙伴模型的字段列表:




(也可以为 OpenOffice 使用“OpenERP 报表设计器”插件。您可以在此处找到该解决方案:How to get field lists using the OpenERP Report Designer Addon for OpenOffice / LibreOffice

我怎样才能找到可用的字段 - 最好也知道如何使更多现有字段可用于报告,例如来自链接表。
