问题标签 [dotted-line]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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android - android,如何在edittext中绘制虚线

我参考了这个链接:How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android? , 并使用DashPathEffect. 但这对我不起作用?为什么?我的代码:

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android - android EditText中的虚线


在 main.xml 中归档的 EditText

在 MainActivity..

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java - Java 向 JPanel 添加虚线或虚线边框

我在这件事上遇到了问题:我可以以某种方式向 JPanel 添加虚线(或虚线,无论如何)边框吗?




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javascript - jqPlot from line to dotted

I have a graph where I show projections for several statistics. The statistics up to this year are certain, but from 2012 and beyond, they are just a projection, and therefore not certain. I want to have a line when the statistics are certain, and become dotted when the projection starts.

Is this possible? Or do I have to create a new line that is dotted and starts after this year?

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matlab - Matlab - 将虚线更改为实线

我如何在情节中改变我的虚线???我知道它是这样完成的,plot(x, y, '-')但即使我把它放在那里,我也会得到虚线

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iphone - CGContextRestoreGState 好像没有恢复之前的状态



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html - 在四舍五入的值上最后的边界点合并


我需要一个200px宽度的虚线边框,但它会产生一个合并的结尾。请看这里的jsfiddle 。如果我放199 像素,它看起来很好。我的问题是有什么方法可以让它在200px宽度下看起来不错(不合并结尾)?


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firefox - Dotted outline around div element in table

I have a table element, containting a custom usercontrol (contained in a "td" tag), that is a RadGrid from telerik. When i click anywhere in the div/cell zone (not a link, not an image, but inside a cell of the grid, anything that has not a a:link) and there is a dotted line around the border of that div/cell.

I succeeded of removing the equivalent "orange" line that Chrome produce in that case with css style

In IE, i don't have the dotted line, but i still gotta remove that line in Firefox. I tried css style:


but no result so far. Any idea?


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android - 垂直 ListView (Android) 中的虚线分隔线



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ios - iOS 中 PDF 渲染的虚线

我不知道如何在 pdf 上渲染虚线。

据我了解,此代码应生成一条虚线,其中包含 0 个单位的绘制(点),后跟 8 个单位的未绘制线。它不是。它产生以下内容:

一个点后跟 8 个空白单位,然后是一个点,然后是 1 个空白单位,然后是一个点,然后是 8 个空白单位……等等。我会发布图片,但我没有足够的代表点。
