问题标签 [divider]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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android - 如何在某些部分上方生成带有标题的 ListView?


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android - Android Listview ArrayAdapter 示例




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java - 在 JTable 中使用空列作为分隔符

我正在尝试使用空列作为JTable. 这是我到目前为止所拥有的图片和代码。我知道我可以使用自定义更改外观TableCellRenderer。在我走这条路之前,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?任何想法表示赞赏。


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android - 如何动态更改列表视图的分隔高度?


假设我有 10 行,前 2 行之间的分隔高度应该为 5,然后接下来的 5 行之间的分隔高度应该为 1,依此类推。


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android - 如何在android的listview中制作每个项目的分隔符?

我想动态改变分隔线的高度。从我搜索的任何内容来看,似乎可以通过将分隔符设置为ListView. 但我对此不是很清楚。


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android - Android 膨胀视图为空

我正在尝试在垂直 LinearLayout 中的条目之间添加分隔线,以模拟 ListView 的外观。(在这种特殊情况下,我不能只使用 ListView。)

这就是我在 list_divider.xml 中的内容:



如果我将它们更改为 TextView 而不是普通视图,则会出现分隔线:

我尝试为宽度和高度设置显式像素值,以及使用border_width 定义和fill_parent 选项。没有什么不同的。


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android - dividers between TabWidgets

Is the android:divider attribute under the TabWidget working? I tried the Tab Layout tutorial from android just to test (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-tabwidget.html) and set the android:divider to some image (for now I used the android vertical scrollbar as the drawable to really emphasize if its getting picked up (copied it from frameworks), but when I ran it on the emulator, it doesn't appear to be working. According to the docs, the TabWidget does seem to support this attribute: "Drawable used to draw the divider between tabs."

Can anyone help? I am using a nine-patched drawable as my divider image drawable.


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android - Android ListView 分隔符




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android - 在没有自定义 ListView 的 ListActivity 中使用 setDivider 更改分隔符?

我似乎无法使用我定义的 Drawable 获得自定义分隔线,以便在使用 aListActivity而不是创建 custom时工作ListView。似乎当虚拟机ListView为我创建自己的时ListActivity,它使用带有默认分隔符的主题;如果我尝试提供一个,则根本不会出现分隔符ListView

我知道我可以ListView使用 XML 创建自定义并在其上定义 android:divider ListView,这确实可以识别我的自定义分隔线 Drawable。但如果我能弄清楚如何让我自己的分隔线处理它,我宁愿让ListActivity创建它自己的。ListView


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android - Black Line Under Some ListView Items

Interesting problem I'm having with a ListView. It's using a standard ArrayAdapter, with a custom XML layout for the items within. Simple XML:

I don't think there's anything in there that is a problem, but I'm having some strange black lines showing up that I can't seem to get rid of (you can see it in the picture below). I've tried setting android:dividerHeight="0px" in the ListView, but these still appear. You can see between New Episodes and Shows that there is no line, but for some reason there is after the first and last.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Did some more thinking, seems to be just the first and the last, so I found:

android:headerDividersEnabled and android:footerDividersEnabled

Setting footers to false fixed the last one, but oddly setting header dividers to false had no effect. :/

EVEN MORE EDITS!: Okay, so I added a few more items to the list (should have done that first), and it seems to be every other item (e.g. item 1, item 3, item 5, and so on) that has a divider appearing below it.

Lines on ListView