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asp.net - 使用 ASP.NET MVC 前端实现文档管理
我使用 ASP.NET MVC 并通过将内容存储在数据库的“内容”表中并创建站点的简单管理部分来使内容易于管理,用户可以在其中添加/编辑/删除内容并选择站点上的位置会出现。
现在客户回来了,想要完整的文档管理功能。他们想要所有内容项的版本控制、权限、PDF 导出和简单的工作流程。
我发现了一个很多人推荐 WSS(Windows Sharepoint Services)的问题。
WSS 会允许我这样做吗?
project-management - Content/Document/Project Management System - Which is right for my needs?
So I just started an internship with this nonprofit company and it's pretty cool. My first assignment was to find a type of program that would work well for the company and its users. I and some team members just finished summarizing down what I think is a good list for the needed functionality. Before I started working, I've never even heard of content/document/knowledge/project management systems. So I've done a bit of research on many other programs and I've narrowed it down to Joomla, activeCollab, Basecamp, sharepoint and a few more. Which program out there would fit my needs the best? It doesn't have to be from the list I just wrote, those are just the programs that popped up first when I started searching.
Searchable Keyword search Advanced search: Ability to tag & search documents by different categories, for example, type of file (e.g. PDF, Word, etc.), service line (e.g., fundraising, strategy, etc.), type of document (e.g., deliverable, data set, etc.) In-document search
Categorization Simple navigation to browse all content Simple to set up and modify the tree/hierarchy used to browse content
Workrooms Provide each team a separate workroom to post their own documents Easy to navigate from team workrooms to the Toolkits (best if team workrooms reside in the same system the toolkits reside)
Version Control Ability to see which is the most recent file
Security Password protected Tiered security, i.e. certain permissions for certain users (to create workrooms, change navigation tree, change toolkits, view/post team files, etc.)
Multi-year support Easy to “archive” old workrooms or files so the navigation doesn’t become cluttered over time
Share across workgroups Ability for power users to access multiple team workrooms Ability to send docs from one group to another—or to the toolkits (by simple tagging or simple “submit” feature)
Uploading Ability to upload files to workrooms Ability to submit a new file for consideration for a toolkit (not a file currently in any workroom)
Messaging Opt-in notification of uploaded files or changes to existing files
Version Control Ability to see who has the file checked out
External Access Client access to certain documents
Within our website Users gain access from our website It looks like it resides on our website
Collaboration Tools Team Calendar Blog / Forum Instant Chat WebEx/Remote Presentation (for virtual team meeting)
Ratings 1-5 Star document rating (by user community) Searching & Sorting documents by rating (best documents display first in search results)
Simultaneous Edit Multiple people can edit the same document at same time
Workflow Ability to tag a file to be reviewed by another user (ability to “escalate” a file for review by someone else) Messaging alerts when a file has been flagged for a user
open-source - 选择开发网站或使用 CMS 存在哪些因素?
c# - 任何人都知道带有表单模块的 Asp.Net C# CMS 类型系统
我们有一个大型的内部数据收集网站。我没有时间为每个部门创建基于表单的数据收集页面。我在想可能有某种所见即所得的表单创建模块可以在我们的网站上运行。系统就像一个 cms,但它允许创建自定义页面。所有表单页面设置都是从数据库运行的。因此,当部门负责人需要实现表单数据收集页面时,他们可以进入并创建一个页面,并拖放所有表单字段并定位元素。然后所有表单提交数据都保存到一组主要的表中,我可以查询并生成数据的自定义报告或用于自定义页面处理。
系统应允许: 选择表单上的字段名称
asp.net - 如何在“企业”环境中设置 N2 CMS?
我一直在玩N2 CMS,到目前为止我印象深刻。但从示例转向“企业”级解决方案似乎是一个巨大的飞跃。
我真正需要的是与 Active Directory 集成的强大权限和角色。到目前为止,我已经与成员资格和角色提供者一起玩,并且事情有点滚动。但我真的很想将我所做的与人们实际使用它的方式进行比较。
您是如何在您的大型组织中定制和部署 N2 CMS 的?
这个问题对我们来说已经成为一个争论点。我们决定改用 Umbraco,因为我们需要的许多功能都是开箱即用的。不过,对于某些事情,N2 似乎仍然是一个不错的系统。
web - What is the most performance effective way to create a sitemap.xml for any CMS system?
We want to implement a sitemap.xml feature in out CMS system. There is some argument within our developers that this feature will impact performance due to each time a change is done in the Content a full list of links of the site needs to be created and placed in the sitemap.xml.
The idea is that each time a public viewing page is edited or added it is immediately added to the sitemap.xml making it up to date with the site.
While you are answering, and if you have time, what other CMS system open or not have built-in sitemap generation?
content-management-system - 内容管理系统开发清单
嘿伙计们,我将潜入并为我未来的所有项目创建一个 CMS。我看过其他人的(wordpress、表达式引擎等)所有这些都具有出色的功能。
我想基本问题是:你们认为开发 CMS 时必须具备什么?
content-management - EPiServer R2 SP2
我正在尝试在 IIS 6.0 上安装 EPiServer R2 SP2 站点,但收到了classfactory not initialized 错误。我设法通过将我的 web.config 降级为符合 IIS 6.0 的配置来克服这个问题
除了编辑/管理模式和默认登录屏幕似乎都丢失了样式和 javascript 之外,该站点可以正常加载并且可以正常工作。结果,它们无法使用。关于出了什么问题的任何想法?
php - 如何自动化/简化这个内容提交场景?
我正在尝试考虑一种自动化或简化内容提交的策略。默认情况下,提交是通过表单完成的,并计为一个条目(一些文本字段 + 随机数量的文件上传字段)。通过网络界面,我可以把它想象成一种常规形式。但是我怎样才能自动化这个过程来简化它呢?
我没有想到一个特定的解决方案,只是想知道在这种情况下大多数人会同意的最合乎逻辑的方法是什么。我想到了文件夹提交,其中用户选择他想要提交的一个或多个文件夹的路径,然后系统将在内部分析内容并将它们分成多个条目或 1 个条目,然后根据需要填充尽可能多的条目就像它是通过网络表单完成的一样。
content-management - 获取网站数据(内容)的最佳方式?