So I just started an internship with this nonprofit company and it's pretty cool. My first assignment was to find a type of program that would work well for the company and its users. I and some team members just finished summarizing down what I think is a good list for the needed functionality. Before I started working, I've never even heard of content/document/knowledge/project management systems. So I've done a bit of research on many other programs and I've narrowed it down to Joomla, activeCollab, Basecamp, sharepoint and a few more. Which program out there would fit my needs the best? It doesn't have to be from the list I just wrote, those are just the programs that popped up first when I started searching.


Searchable Keyword search Advanced search: Ability to tag & search documents by different categories, for example, type of file (e.g. PDF, Word, etc.), service line (e.g., fundraising, strategy, etc.), type of document (e.g., deliverable, data set, etc.) In-document search

Categorization Simple navigation to browse all content Simple to set up and modify the tree/hierarchy used to browse content

Workrooms Provide each team a separate workroom to post their own documents Easy to navigate from team workrooms to the Toolkits (best if team workrooms reside in the same system the toolkits reside)

Version Control Ability to see which is the most recent file

Security Password protected Tiered security, i.e. certain permissions for certain users (to create workrooms, change navigation tree, change toolkits, view/post team files, etc.)

Multi-year support Easy to “archive” old workrooms or files so the navigation doesn’t become cluttered over time

Share across workgroups Ability for power users to access multiple team workrooms Ability to send docs from one group to another—or to the toolkits (by simple tagging or simple “submit” feature)

Uploading Ability to upload files to workrooms Ability to submit a new file for consideration for a toolkit (not a file currently in any workroom)


Messaging Opt-in notification of uploaded files or changes to existing files

Version Control Ability to see who has the file checked out

External Access Client access to certain documents

Within our website Users gain access from our website It looks like it resides on our website

Collaboration Tools Team Calendar Blog / Forum Instant Chat WebEx/Remote Presentation (for virtual team meeting)

Ratings 1-5 Star document rating (by user community) Searching & Sorting documents by rating (best documents display first in search results)

Simultaneous Edit Multiple people can edit the same document at same time

Workflow Ability to tag a file to be reviewed by another user (ability to “escalate” a file for review by someone else) Messaging alerts when a file has been flagged for a user


2 回答 2


您上面提到的大多数功能都可以使用 Plone 免费获得,这是一个运行在 Zope 之上的应用程序。实际上,我为具有上述许多功能的非专业人士构建并部署了一个 Plone 实例。它们的功能可能没有相同的名称,但您会获得很多相同的功能。

以下是我的用户真正喜欢 Plone 的地方:

  • 能够对 MS Office 文档的内容进行索引,以便人们可以根据除属性和标签/关键字之外的内容来搜索文档。
  • 可用性。Plone 的默认主题并不是你见过的最华丽的东西,但它的可用性非常好。
  • 更改系统并添加新站点或功能是多么容易。

以下是我喜欢 Plone 的地方:

  • 零许可成本。我能够免费实现通常只能在非常昂贵的系统中提供的功能。而且我知道这些类型的成本,因为我以管理 FileNet 系统为生
  • 它非常易于安装、升级和管理。如果您不是专业的系统管理员,请对“专业人士”持保留态度:)
  • 总的来说,它非常容易使用。


  • 如果您需要在公共互联网上访问该网站,那么您的托管成本可能会高于预期。建立一个普通的 Joomla 网站肯定比建立一个普通的 Plone 网站便宜。请注意,您听起来需要的不仅仅是一个普通的内容管理系统,因此它们的托管成本可能没有区别。
  • Plone 建立在 Zope 之上,Zope 是一个应用服务器。它易于设置和使用,但它的工作方式与许多其他 Web 和应用程序服务器略有不同。如果您习惯于管理 LAMP 堆栈,那么这将有所不同(但不一定是坏事)。

所有现代内容管理系统的最后一个骗局都是正确的:不要给你的用户足够的绳索来吊死自己。如果一个 wiki 和一个博客到一个网站需要 2 分钟,那么用户希望您一直添加新站点。每个新站点都会为您添加大量管理工作,因此请尝试从您添加的每个站点中获取尽可能多的功能。



于 2009-07-06T17:45:59.137 回答

大本营。即使它没有你认为你需要的所有功能,它也会做它应该做的(37Signals 喜欢抱怨太多的功能,你不会需要它(YAGNI)等)

Joomla 很痛苦。Activecollab 是 basecamp 的一个糟糕的克隆(除非它在这一年左右发生了巨大变化,因为我试图用它来摆脱对 basecamp 的支付)。

于 2009-07-02T15:03:27.940 回答