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docker - 你如何看待 microsoft/cntk docker 上的 Jupyter notebook?

我刚刚安装了 microsoft/cntk docker 映像,我想知道如何查看 Jupyter notebook 界面(以便在 /cntk/Tutorials 中执行 docker 映像中包含的教程)?

对于另一个 docker 映像,我只需执行以下命令:

docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -v /home/name/notebooks:/home/ds/notebooks dataquestio/python3-starter

然后我打开浏览器并转到 localhost:8888


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visual-studio-2015 - 了解 CNTK 2.0 Beta 8.0 源代码如何使用 Visual Studio 2015 在 Windows 10 上运行?


我是一名学生,.NET 开发人员,我会感谢 CNTK 重量级贡献者和设计师的建议。我正在阅读文档和教程,实际的源代码令人印象深刻。

在 Visual Studio 2015 中使用的最佳 api 是什么,以便我可以进入 CNTK 中的功能,看看微软是如何编写多层感知器的?通常,对于 .NET 项目,我会编写一个我理解的示例应用程序,然后在调试器上浏览源代码。这是我学习的最好方法。我的问题是针对 Visual Studio 2015,但我愿意走出自己的舒适区,了解最佳实践是否是在不同的 IDE 甚至操作系统上执行此操作。

我计划按原样使用该工具,但我想尽可能熟悉该工具,因为我想开始在 Caffe、TensorFlow 等上使用它,因为我是一名 .NET 开发人员。


我已经阅读了有关 CTNK 的教程,发现自己经常使用大脑脚本,但我经常在命令行上调用它。我知道 Visual Studio 2015 中有一个 python api,我想知道这是否是使用 CNTK 访问后端的首选方法?

请不要对此投反对票。我已经阅读了提供的文档,我觉得在 GitHub 存储库上问这个问题是不合适的,这是我觉得问这个问题的唯一其他场所。如果有其他渠道或论坛可以向 CNTK 提出一般性问题,请告诉我,我会这样做,但如果没有,我感谢您的指导和对认真学习者的友好帮助。

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python - Python DLL 加载失败:在 microsoft fastRCNN 脚本上找不到指定的模块

尝试运行 python 脚本时出现以下错误:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "A1_GenerateInputROIs.py", line 5, in <module> import PARAMETERS File "C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta9-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\Image\Detection\FastRCNN\PARAMETERS.py", line 2, in <module> from cntk_helpers import * File "C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta9-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\Image\Detection\FastRCNN\cntk_helpers.py", line 7, in <module> from fastRCNN.nms import nms as nmsPython File "C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta9-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\Image\Detection\FastRCNN\fastRCNN\__init__.py", line 7, in <module> from .imdb import imdb File "C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta9-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\Image\Detection\FastRCNN\fastRCNN\imdb.py", line 19, in <module> from .utils3_win64.cython_bbox import bbox_overlaps ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

我正在关注https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/wiki/Object-Detection-using-Fast-R-CNN上的教程。当我尝试在 ubuntu 系统上运行脚本时,我也遇到了类似的错误。




本教程代码假设您使用的是 64 位版本的 Python 3.4,因为 utils_win64 下的 Fast R-CNN DLL 文件是为此版本预构建的

由于我使用的是 python 3.5 而不是 python 3.4,我开始认为这可能是原因。我会随时通知你我的发现。


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python - 'This' 函数不等同于(同构)从 CNTK 中的检查点恢复的函数

trainer.restore_from_checkpoint在 CNTK中调用时出现以下异常。

'This' 函数与从检查点恢复的函数不等价(同构)。


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python - 无法在 Visual Studio 2015 中导入 CNTK



我完全无法解决这个问题,因为我已经按照 CNTK 教程的每一步操作,并且这个问题的github 票仍然是开放的,这绝对没有帮助。

我的 python 路径是 C:\Anaconda3\envs\cntk-py35\Lib\site-packages;F:\cntkInstall\envs\cntk-py34\Lib\site-packages



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cntk - access trained parameter in CNTK

With a model like this, how can one access the trained parameters like weight and bias of each layer?


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cntk - 同一个带有 dim [0, 0] 的矩阵已经在不同设备之间传输了 20 次


01/23/2017 13:06:49: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691301-691400]: ce = 0.06757763 * 9404; errs = 1.595% * 9404; time = 14.3775s; samplesPerSecond = 654.1 01/23/2017 13:07:04: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691401-691500]: ce = 0.08411693 * 9784; errs = 1.962% * 9784; time = 15.1554s; samplesPerSecond = 645.6 01/23/2017 13:07:18: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691501-691600]: ce = 0.07443892 * 9847; errs = 1.696% * 9847; time = 14.1284s; samplesPerSecond = 697.0 WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. 01/23/2017 13:07:33: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691601-691700]: ce = 0.07692308 * 9815; errs = 1.854% * 9815; time = 14.4867s; samplesPerSecond = 677.5 WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. 01/23/2017 13:07:48: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691701-691800]: ce = 0.08028341 * 9809; errs = 1.906% * 9809; time = 14.7772s; samplesPerSecond = 663.8 01/23/2017 13:08:03: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691801-691900]: ce = 0.09192892 * 10073; errs = 2.214% * 10073; time = 14.8481s; samplesPerSecond = 678.4 01/23/2017 13:08:17: Epoch[ 1 of 50]-Minibatch[691901-692000]: ce = 0.07414725 * 9616; errs = 1.841% * 9616; time = 14.9059s; samplesPerSecond = 645.1 01/23/2017 13:08:32: Finished Epoch[ 1 of 50]: [Training] ce = 0.08177092 * 67573150; errs = 1.962% * 67573150; totalSamplesSeen = 67573150; learningRatePerSample = 0.0020000001; epochTime=104968s WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times. WARNING: The same matrix with dim [0, 0] has been transferred between different devices for 20 times.

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python - 如何在使用 CNTK 训练期间直接访问梯度和修改权重(参数)?

我想计算梯度值(每个示例或小批量),并将权重直接修改为任何值(因此我可以用任何方法控制梯度下降,而不仅仅是提供的 sgd / 学习率计划)。我正在使用python接口。

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python - CNTK 上的 word2vec CBOW 阅读器实现

我想用负采样实现 CBOW word2vec。我通读了 CNTK 的文档,但找不到可以将句子作为输入和输出2*k + 1单词的阅读器(当前单词和当前单词k左右的上下文单词)。另外,我想在python中实现这个。

是否有在 python 中创建自定义 cntk 文本阅读器的指南?

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python - cntk 层中的线性激活函数?

在 CNTK 中,它有 relu、hardmax、softmax、sigmoid 和所有好东西,但我正在构建一个基于回归的算法,最后一层需要预测 2 个或更多回归输出。所以我需要 n 个节点,并且激活只是一次线性激活。我看到我可以将激活设置为无,这实际上是正确的吗?