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android - 如何查看内容 cacerts.bks(证书文件 /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks)

有人知道如何查看 Android 设备支持的根证书列表吗?我想看看那个信息。


我也尝试过 KeyTool 但无法成功。




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ssl - 在 PBESecurityDomain 的相互/客户端证书身份验证中忽略 Jboss 应用程序策略

使用以下相互客户端证书,SSL(TLS)握手适用于休息端点(耶!) - 通过测试和调试验证:javax.net logging & wireshark。但...

第一次观察:HTTPServletRequest 和 JAX-RS 注释的 SecurityContext 的主体信息为空

第二个观察:篡改包含应用程序策略元素的 login-config.xml 没有效果

简而言之,TLS 有效,但是将证书 DN 传输到请求线程中的 HTTPServletRequest 对象并不会阻止应用程序获取调用者的 ID。有人有建议吗?

在 JBoss 6 上:







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java - 如何在 GlassFish 中启用可选的客户端证书请求?

博客站点(GlassFish 中的Client-Auth REQUESTED)内容如下:

但是,将其添加到我的 GlassFish v3 domain.xml 时,不会请求现有的浏览器客户端证书。GlassFish 服务器已正确设置,即需要将“client-auth-enabled”选项设置为 true 的客户端证书。

GlassFish bugtracker (1) 提到了一个不同的版本:



如何在 GlassFish 中启用可选的客户端证书请求?有替代品吗?

(1) http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-6935
(2) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3634129/configure-glassfish-v3-client-auth-requested-to-want

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java - Java中的MSCAPI证书选择框;SunMSCAPI?

我正在试验相对较新的 SunMSCAPI 安全提供程序。我想构建一个简单的小程序,提示浏览器弹出证书选择框。我会从那里拿走它。我已经用谷歌搜索了一种方式和另一种方式。有什么建议吗?

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android - Android connect to a WCF rest service in IIS with self-signed client-certificate authentication


I am trying to create an Android test application that will only perform the following action 'Connect to a JSON WCF rest service in IIS with self-signed client-certificate authentication', however at the moment I keep receiving 'forbidden access' when I run the application. A client WCF to the WCF service seems to work fine and the Android client application to the WCF service also works when I disabled 'require client certificates'.

The strange part is that Eclipse informs that the client-certificate is found and that a KeyManager is created with it, but nothing is send to the server.

The following steps have been undertaken for the self-signed certificates

  1. Created a rootCA.cer with as child certificates a serverCA.cer and clientCA.cer
  2. A Private Key Information has been created from the clientCA.cer
  3. With Portecle two keystores were created in the BKS format, one containing the PKI of clientCA called keystore.bks and the other truststore.bks which has the rootCA as entry
  4. The PKI has the alias client that is used to double check if the PKI can be retrieved
  5. The truststore.bks contains the rootCA.cer
  6. Both keystores were added in the res/raw of Eclipse of Android

For the handling of the self-signed certificates in Android I tried to use several examples however the EasySSLSocketFactory and EasySSLTrustManager from StackOverflow:self-signed-ssl-acceptance-android worked for the most part. I also tried creating the keystores with the default keytool, however this result into more incorrect keystores being created.

Update 2011-03-17: system information
The system operating system that is hosting IIS is Windows XP with IIS-5 with .NET 4.0. The service in IIS has the serverCA.cer assigned as server certificate and the require client certificates is enabled.

The android version I'm working on is 2.3.3 with Eclipse and have set the permission for Internet and have the keystore and truststore added as a raw resource in the Eclipse project.

Additionally when I look up in debug mode what the KeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers() return I see that there is one item in the list.

Here are details of actions/code that I use with the issue:

The certificates were created with makecert as it first had to work between a WCF service and client.

The WCF configured is as followed:

The Object of the WCF service

The Android method that calls the WCF service is as followed

The following part is used by the method testSSLDataTransfer to retrieve the client certificate keystore and the truststore

The EasySSLSocketFactory has been modified slightly so that the code looks like:

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javascript - 禁用 CLIENT_CERT auth webapp 的浏览器后退按钮

我的 webapp 具有基于 CLIENT_CERT 的 JAAS 身份验证。我正在使用 IE7。

当我单击注销时,它会将我带到我的主页。现在单击后退按钮,用户应该留在同一页面上,这是我使用 history.forward() javascript 实现的。但是证书对话框出现了,因为上一页是安全的。


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c# - 如何在 WCF 服务中读取 Clientcertificate?

我确实在服务器上托管了 WCF 服务,该服务要求客户​​端使用 x509 证书进行身份验证。我需要在服务中读取此证书,因为包含的数据是业务逻辑的一部分。

我用于 WCF 服务的绑定是 webHttpBinding,安全性设置为“Transport”和 clientCredentialType="certificate"。

在 ASP.net 中,我可以使用 HttpContext.Current,但它在 WCF 中不可用。我该怎么做才能从用户那里获得证书?


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java - 关于 keytool 证书导入的细节

我有一个远程数据库服务器的 server.crt、root.crt 和 server.key 文件要添加到我们的 CF8 Enterprise 密钥库中。我学会了如何通过 keytool 轻松导入证书。我的问题特别关注什么和如何导入:

  1. 我将 3 个文件中的哪一个或全部输入到 castore 中?如果有,哪个是首选?如果全部,我是否只是按顺序同时添加它们?
  2. 教程描述了使用 .cer 文件。我必须从 .crt 转换吗?
  3. .crt 文件作为 X.509 发送给我。这是否自动采用可分辨编码规则 (DER) 格式,CF8 说这是必要的?

http://download.oracle.com/javase/6 /docs/technotes/tools/solaris/keytool.html#KeyStore

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web-services - 证书问题 403.7


然后,this.tURL + "Security.asmx"'Login方法的 web 服务必须从以下位置获取 ClientCertificate (certPath):


如果 IIS 的配置显示Require client certificates,调用 Login 函数时出现403.7错误;
如果 IIS 的配置显示Accept client certificates,我得到CryptographicException "m_safeCertContext is an invalid handle";

但是,只有当客户端在 Windows 7 x64 上运行时才会出现这些问题,当在 Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003 上启动时,它运行良好。

ca 安装在两台机器上,所有测试用例的配置似乎完全相同,

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iphone - iOS 上的客户端证书:最佳实践


所以我的问题是:将其安装在手机的内置存储中是否更好,并且应用程序将从操作系统中提取此证书,或者让用户通过 iTunes 将证书添加到应用程序的 doc 文件夹并从那里?

证书位于 doc 文件夹中的优点是很容易找到应用程序中的负载,但我不确定这是否被认为是“最佳实践”。
