博客站点(GlassFish 中的Client-Auth REQUESTED)内容如下:

In domain.xml, please add the following property to http-listener element
<property name="com.sun.grizzly.ssl.auth" value="want"/>  

但是,将其添加到我的 GlassFish v3 domain.xml 时,不会请求现有的浏览器客户端证书。GlassFish 服务器已正确设置,即需要将“client-auth-enabled”选项设置为 true 的客户端证书。

GlassFish bugtracker (1) 提到了一个不同的版本:

 * client-auth: want/need/<blank>



如何在 GlassFish 中启用可选的客户端证书请求?有替代品吗?

(1) http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-6935
(2) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3634129/configure-glassfish-v3-client-auth-requested-to-want


1 回答 1



*当您在 HTTPS 中处理客户端证书时,请记住您的 HTTPS 侦听器配置。SSLv3/TLS 协议允许 HTTPS 套接字的三种模式。

* The traditional mode requires a single server certificate. An HTTPS client (typically a web browser) validates the server identity by matching the certificate to a list, or truststore, of Certificate Authorities. You probably use this mode every day during typical log-in activity.

* Another mode requires both client and server certificates. The client certificate is validated by the server side, and the server certificate is validated by the client side.

* The third mode requires a server certificate, but the client certificate is optional.

*在现实世界中,无论用户是通过密码还是证书进行身份验证,您都希望使用相同的 HTTPS URL。此方法需要支持第三种可选客户端证书模式的服务器。在撰写本文时,GlassFish 应用程序服务器不支持此模式。幸运的是,可以使用 OpenSSO 支持的 Apache Tomcat Web 服务器作为替代方案。供参考

于 2011-06-02T15:08:08.130 回答