问题标签 [chrono]

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c++ - std::chrono::duration 对象的绝对值

鉴于它std::chrono::duration可以表示两次之间的有符号差异,因此需要这种持续时间的绝对值似乎是一种非常常见的情况。例如,以下代码diff: -5按预期输出:



我应该如何将 astd::chrono::duration转换为它的绝对值?

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c++11 - chrono C++11版matlabs datenum


由于这篇文章,我已经知道它存在于 boost 中

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c++ - odd behaviour using chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()

I've been looking at various game timing loop methods e.g. Glenn Fiedler and DeWitter. I found critical areas difficult to understand due to my own C++ knowledge limitations. With this I set about trying to implement my own method....I thought a good way to try to understand something about these methods.

[edit1: I'm using CodeBlocks IDE with minGW-w64 (x64-4.8.1-posix-seh-rev5) as the compiler]

[edit2: code and output windows amended to include a 3rd timer, QueryPerformanceCounter]

In trying to accomplish this I came across the following issue:

Minimal code:

For comparison purposes, the above code makes use of two timers.

On my PC the output from this is as follows:

Using duration_cast<microseconds>(finish - start).count()/1000.0 for the steady_clock we see the following:-

Notice how the high resolution clock fluctuates between 0 and 15.6ms and notice the steady_clock comparison.

The issue I have is that is that if I were to implement a fixed-time game loop where the update() code updates entity positions at exactly 1000/60 (60 update cycles a second) i.e. every 16.666etc ms - then this is very close to the returned hires timer fluctuating value! The real problem is that if I also implement an accumulator in order to accommodate both game loop frame times that are under 1000/60ms and any leftover once update() has completed, the update loop is entered sooner - and at irregular time points - than it should.

Is there an issue with the minimal code above, and if not, should I be concerned with this for any proper fixed-time implementation? Additionally, and if relevant, is there any way to isolate a program/thread so that it is not interrupted by system IRQ or other polling events? I'm guessing the hires timer may be subject to such interruptions.

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c++ - C++:std::chrono 或 boost::chrono

我正在我的代码中进行一些基准测试,并试图弄清楚我是否应该使用标准版本的 chrono 或 Boost 提供的原始版本。
我开始使用标准的,因为我想尝试一下,并注意到例如它没有像 Boost 提供的 chrono 那样提供 io 功能。
那么,关于 chrono 和一般来说,我应该使用 Boost 库还是它们的标准库对应物?

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c++ - C++11 std::chrono 现在和分钟减法


为什么这会打印负整数而不是正整数?(clang 3.3 或 g++ 4.8.1)

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c++ - 我在这个计时器上做错了什么?

使用 chrono 我一直在尝试实现一个计时器,但我觉得我错过了一些东西。在每次迭代时调用该函数很重要,但某些指令仅在延迟后才会执行。这是一个更大项目的简化示例。我错过了什么?

输出显示被传递的延迟是循环的增量时间。不过,所花费的时间可以正常工作。示例输出:不做:2971 3000 不做:2971 3000 不做:3145 3000 做




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c++ - 与 std::chrono::system_clock / std::chrono::high_resolution_clock 的时差





但是,在我的机器上,根据Stack Overflow 上的这个答案,安装了几个编译器似乎会导致配置错误

因此我尝试了建议的修复:设置正确的LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 这些是我尝试过的输出组合(其中包括 4.4 和 4.6...)








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c++ - std::chrono 乘以持续时间


我希望这能以秒为单位打印经过的时间。但它实际上以数千秒为单位打印时间(预期结果乘以 0.001)。难道我做错了什么?



我用 gcc-4.7.3-r1

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c++ - 从 time_point + 持续时间转换为持续时间在铿锵声中失败

此代码在 gcc-4.8 上编译并在 clang-3.3 上失败?以及如何使这段代码在 clang 上可编译?=\


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c++ - 如何防止时间戳被重新排序?

我的理解是,C++ 允许任何不是 IO 或外部函数调用的东西都可以优化重新排序。这开始让我编写 RAII 样式函数时间戳的努力受挫。



VS 2012 的代码,经过优化