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haskell - 如何将失败的计算转换为成功的计算,反之亦然



解释是:给定一个成功的计算,让它失败;给定一个失败的计算,让它成功。我不确定,但这似乎与 MonadPlus 正好相反……如果你眯着眼睛真的很用力的话。???


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haskell - 为什么替代连接列表而不是选择第一个非空列表?

从类的名称和解析器中的用法来看,Maybe我认为它的行为是从a <|> b <|> c. 所以我希望输入






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haskell - 这个 Haskell 函数是否被称为/实现为另一个名称?





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haskell - 为什么 Parsec 不使用 Control.Applicative 运算符

UsingControl.Applicative对 Parsec 非常有用,但是您需要始终隐藏<|>和类似的对象,因为它们与 Parsec 自己的冲突:

或者,正如 Antal SZ 指出的那样,您可以隐藏 Parsec 版本。然而,据我所知,这似乎是一个不必要的限制。

为什么 parsec 不简单地从 Applicative 实现这些运算符?

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haskell - 如何使用应用程序链接任意长度的原子解析器系列?







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haskell - Alternative的“一些”和“许多”有什么用?

Alternative, 的扩展Applicative, 声明empty,<|>和这两个函数:






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list - instance Alternative ZipList in Haskell?

ZipList comes with a Functor and an Applicative instance (Control.Applicative) but why not Alternative?

  • Is there no good instance?
  • What about the one proposed below?
    • Is it flawed?
    • is it useless?
    • Are there other reasonable possibilities (like Bool can be a monoid in two ways) and therefore neither should be the instance?

I searched for "instance Alternative ZipList" (with the quotes to find code first) and only found the library, some tutorials, lecture notes yet no actual instance.

Matt Fenwick said ZipList A will only be a monoid if A is (see here). Lists are monoids though, regardless of the element type.

This other answer by AndrewC to the same question discusses how an Alternative instance might look like. He says

There are two sensible choices for Zip [1,3,4] <|> Zip [10,20,30,40]:

  1. Zip [1,3,4] because it's first - consistent with Maybe
  2. Zip [10,20,30,40] because it's longest - consistent with Zip [] being discarded

where Zip is basically ZipList.

I think the answer should be Zip [1,3,4,40]. Let's see the instance:

The only Zip a we can produce without knowing the type argument a is Zip [] :: Zip a, so there is little choice for empty. If the empty list is the neutral element of the monoid, we might be tempted to use list concatenation. However, go is not (++) because of the drop 1. Every time we use one entry of the first argument list, we drop one off the second as well. Thus we have a kind of overlay: The left argument list hides the beginning of the right one (or all of it).

One intuition behind ziplists is processes: A finite or infinite stream of results. When zipping, we combine streams, which is reflected by the Applicative instance. When the end of the list is reached, the stream doesn't produce further elements. This is where the Alternative instance comes in handy: we can name a concurrent replacement (alternative, really), taking over as soon as the default process terminates.

For example we could write fmap Just foo <|> pure Nothing to wrap every element of the ziplist foo into a Just and continue with Nothing afterwards. The resulting ziplist is infinite, reverting to a default value after all (real) values have been used up. This could of course be done by hand, by appending an infinite list inside the Zip constructor. Yet the above is more elegant and does not assume knowledge of constructors, leading to higher code reusability.

We don't need any assumption on the element type (like being a monoid itself). At the same time the definition is not trivial (as (<|>) = const would be). It makes use of the list structure by pattern matching on the first argument.

The definition of <|> given above is associative and the empty list really is the empty element. We have

so all the laws you could ask for are satisfied (which is not true for list concatenation).

This instance is consistent with the one for Maybe: choice is biased to the left, yet when the left argument is unable to produce a value, the right argument takes over. The functions

are morphisms of alternatives (meaning psi x <|> psi y = psi (x <|> y) and psi x <*> psi y = psi (x <*> y)).

Edit: For the some/many methods I'd guess

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haskell - 具有不同幺半群结构的松散幺半群函子

应用函子在 Haskeller 中广为人知并深受喜爱,因为它们能够在有效的上下文中应用函数。

在范畴论术语中,可以证明 的方法Applicative

等同于有一个Functor fwith 操作:

这个想法是写pure你只需用给定的值替换()in ,并将你的函数和参数压缩到一个元组中,然后在它上面映射一个合适的应用程序函数。unit(<*>)



通过唯一确定,将 sum 转换为其他幺半群结构似乎变得不那么有趣了unit :: Void -> f Void,所以你真的有更多的半群在进行。但仍然:

  • 其他像上面这样的宽松单曲面函子是否研究过或有用?
  • 有没有像他们一样的简洁的替代演示Applicative
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haskell - Haskell 的 <|> 运算符是做什么的?

浏览 Haskell 的文档对我来说总是有点痛苦,因为你获得的关于一个函数的所有信息通常只是:f a -> f [a]这可能意味着任何数量的东西。


我得到的只是这个:(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a它是一个“关联二元运算” ......


好的,所以如果没有左则它返回右,否则它返回左,明白了.. 这让我相信它是一个“左或右”运算符,考虑到它使用|and|的历史用法为“或”,这有点道理"



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haskell - 从免费的替代仿函数生成 optparse-applicative 解析器








其原因似乎是在其定义中optparse-applicative 作弊manyand some:它在幕后使用单子解析。
