
我知道有很多公式可以计算 APR,但我已经测试了很多公式,但它们不能正确处理封闭式(消费贷款)的奇数天。政府试图通过在他们的贷款真相法案中发布附录 J 来为我们这些凡人提供一些帮助。可在此处找到:https ://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/6500-3550.html

如果你很勇敢(!!),你可以看到他们提供的公式来解决 APR,包括贷款的奇数天数。奇数天是贷款开始时的日子,这些天并没有真正被定期付款所涵盖,但仍会收取利息。例如,您在 2012 年 1 月 20 日借了一笔 1,000.00 美元的贷款,而您的第一笔付款是 2012 年 3 月 1 日。从 2012 年 1 月 20 日到 2012 年 1 月 30 日,您有 10 个奇数日。所有月份的计算都是 30 天。

我希望有一个在微积分方面有重要背景的人能够解释你在附录 J 中找到的公式。并解释他们用来解决这些公式的精算方法。我理解迭代过程。我首先尝试使用 Newton-Raphson 方法解决这个问题,但我的 APR 公式没有考虑奇数天。它在没有奇数日但在奇数日挣扎的不太可能的微不足道的情况下工作得很好。




3 回答 3


好吧,您不是在开玩笑说文档有点难以阅读。该解决方案实际上并没有那么糟糕,具体取决于实施。我反复尝试使用他们的各种简化论坛都失败了,最终使用 top(8) 的通用公式得到了它。从技术上讲,这是一种简化。实际的通用公式将采用长度数组period作为其他参数,并在循环中使用它们的索引。您使用此方法为迭代步骤获取 A' 和 A''。奇数日由 处理(1.0 + fractions*rate),如1 + f i文档中所示。费率是每个时期的费率,而不是整个 apr。

public double generalEquation(int period, double payment, double initialPeriods, double fractions, double rate)
    double retval = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < period; x++)
        retval += payment / ((1.0 + fractions*rate)*Math.pow(1+rate,initialPeriods + x));
    return retval;

迭代的行为就像文档在其示例 (9) 中所说的那样。

 * @param amount The initial amount A
 * @param payment The periodic payment P
 * @param payments The total number of payments n
 * @param ppy The number of payment periods per year 
 * @param APRGuess The guess to start estimating from, 10% is 0.1, not 0.001
 * @param partial Odd days, as a fraction of a pay period.  10 days of a month is 0.33333...
 * @param full Full pay periods before the first payment.  Usually 1.
 * @return The calculated APR
public double findAPRGEQ(double amount, double payment, int payments, double ppy, double APRGuess, double partial, double full)    
    double result = APRGuess;
    double tempguess = APRGuess;       

        result = tempguess;
        //Step 1
        double i = tempguess/(100*ppy);
        double A1 = generalEquation(payments, payment, full, partial, i);
        //Step 2
        double i2 = (tempguess + 0.1)/(100*ppy);
        double A2 = generalEquation(payments, payment, full, partial, i2);
        //Step 3
        tempguess = tempguess + 0.1*(amount - A1)/(A2 - A1);
    } while (Math.abs(result*10000 - tempguess*10000) > 1);
    return result; 

请注意,作为一般规则,像我在这里所做的那样使用 double 进行货币计算是不好的,但我正在编写一个 SO 示例,而不是生产代码。此外,它是 java 而不是 .net,但它应该可以帮助您使用算法。

于 2012-02-17T18:57:35.243 回答

虽然这是一个旧线程,但我想帮助其他人避免在这上面浪费时间 - 将代码翻译成 PHP(甚至是 javascript),结果非常不准确,让我怀疑它是否真的在 Java 中有效 -

function generalEquation($period, $payment, $initialPeriods, $fractions, $rate){
    $retval = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < $period; $x++)
        $retval += $payment / ((1.0 + $fractions*$rate)*pow(1+$rate,$initialPeriods + $x));
    return $retval;

 * @param amount The initial amount A
 * @param payment The periodic payment P
 * @param payments The total number of payments n
 * @param ppy The number of payment periods per year 
 * @param APRGuess The guess to start estimating from, 10% is 0.1, not 0.001
 * @param partial Odd days, as a fraction of a pay period.  10 days of a month is 0.33333...
 * @param full Full pay periods before the first payment.  Usually 1.
 * @return The calculated APR
function findAPR($amount, $payment, $payments, $ppy, $APRGuess, $partial, $full)    
    $result = $APRGuess;
    $tempguess = $APRGuess;       

        $result = $tempguess;
        //Step 1
        $i = $tempguess/(100*$ppy);
        $A1 = generalEquation($payments, $payment, $full, $partial, $i);
        //Step 2
        $i2 = ($tempguess + 0.1)/(100*$ppy);
        $A2 = generalEquation($payments, $payment, $full, $partial, $i2);
        //Step 3
        $tempguess = $tempguess + 0.1*($amount - $A1)/($A2 - $A1);
    } while (abs($result*10000 - $tempguess*10000) > 1);
    return $result; 
// these figures should calculate to 12.5 apr (see below)..
$apr = findAPR(10000,389.84,(30*389.84),12,.11,0,1);
echo "APR: $apr" . "%";

年利率:12.5000% 总财务费用:1,695.32 美元融资金额:10,000.00 美元总付款:11,695.32 美元总贷款:10,000.00 美元每月还款:389.84 美元总利息:1,695.32 美元

于 2014-09-11T16:51:43.597 回答

我在这里得到了 Python (3.4) 翻译。而且由于我的应用程序将日期作为输入,而不是全部和部分付款期限,因此我采用了一种计算方式。我引用了一个编写 OCC 的 APRWIN 的人的文档,如果您需要重新翻译,我建议其他人阅读它。

我的测试直接来自 Reg Z 示例。我还没有用 APRWIN 做进一步的测试。我不需要处理的一个极端情况(所以没有编码)是当你只有 2 个分期付款并且第一个是不规则的时期。如果这是您的应用程序的潜在用例,请查看上面的文档。我还没有完全测试大多数付款时间表,因为我的应用程序只需要每月和每季度一次。其余的只是为了使用 Reg Z 的示例。

# loan_amt: initial amount of A
# payment_amt: periodic payment P
# num_of_pay: total number of payment P
# ppy: number of payment periods per year
# apr_guess: guess to start estimating from. Default = .05, or 5%
# odd_days: odd days, meaning the fraction of a pay period for the first
    # installment. If the pay period is monthly & the first installment is
    # due after 45 days, the odd_days are 15/30.
# full: full pay periods before the first payment. Usually 1
# advance: date the finance contract is supposed to be funded
# first_payment_due: first due date on the finance contract

import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def generalEquation(period, payment_amt, full, odd_days, rate):
    retval = 0
    for x in range(period):
        retval += payment_amt / ((1.0 + odd_days * rate) * ((1 + rate) ** (
            x + full)))
    return retval

def _dt_to_int(dt):
    """A convenience function to change datetime objects into a day count,
        represented by an integer"""
    date_to_int = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    _int = int(dt / date_to_int)
    return _int

def dayVarConversions(advance, first_payment_due, ppy):
    """Takes two datetime.date objects plus the ppy and returns the remainder
    of a pay period for the first installment of an irregular first payment 
    period (odd_days) and the number of full pay periods before the first 
    installment (full)."""

    if isinstance(advance, datetime.date) and isinstance(first_payment_due, 
        advance_to_first = -relativedelta(advance, first_payment_due)
            # returns a relativedelta object. 

            ## Appendix J requires calculating odd_days by counting BACKWARDS
            ## from the later date, first subtracting full unit-periods, then
            ## taking the remainder as odd_days. relativedelta lets you
            ## calculate this easily.

            # advance_date = datetime.date(2015, 2, 27)
            # first_pay_date = datetime.date(2015, 4, 1)
            # incorrect = relativedelta(first_pay_date, advance_date)
            # correct = -relativedelta(advance_date, first_pay_date)
            # print("See the difference between ", correct, " and ", incorrect, "?")

        if ppy == 12:
            # If the payment schedule is monthly
            full = advance_to_first.months + (advance_to_first.years * 12)
            odd_days = advance_to_first.days / 30
            if odd_days == 1:
                odd_days = 0
                full += 1
                # Appendix J (b)(5)(ii) requires the use of 30 in the 
                # denominator even if a month has 31 days, so Jan 1 to Jan 31
                # counts as a full month without any odd days.
            return full, odd_days

        elif ppy == 4:
            # If the payment schedule is quarterly
            full = (advance_to_first.months // 3) + (advance_to_first.years * 4)
            odd_days = ((advance_to_first.months % 3) * 30 + advance_to_first. \
                days) / 90
            if odd_days == 1:
                odd_days = 0
                full += 1
                # Same as above. Sometimes odd_days would be 90/91, but not under
                # Reg Z.
            return full, odd_days

        elif ppy == 2:
            # Semiannual payments
            full = (advance_to_first.months // 6) + (advance_to_first.years * 2)
            odd_days = ((advance_to_first.months % 6) * 30 + advance_to_first. \
                days) / 180
            if odd_days == 1:
                odd_days = 0
                full += 1
            return full, odd_days

        elif ppy == 24:
            # Semimonthly payments
            full = (advance_to_first.months * 2) + (advance_to_first.years * \
                24) + (advance_to_first.days // 15)
            odd_days = ((advance_to_first.days % 15) / 15)
            if odd_days == 1:
                odd_days = 0
                full += 1
            return full, odd_days

        elif ppy == 52:
            # If the payment schedule is weekly, then things get real
            convert_to_days = first_payment_due - advance
                # Making a timedelta object
            days_per_week = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
                # A timedelta object equal to 1 week
            if advance_to_first.years == 0:
                full, odd_days = divmod(convert_to_days, days_per_week)
                    # Divide, save the remainder
                odd_days = _dt_to_int(odd_days) / 7
                    # Convert odd_days from a timedelta object to an int
                return full, odd_days
            elif advance_to_first.years != 0 and advance_to_first.months == 0 \
                and advance_to_first.days == 0:
                # An exact year is an edge case. By convention, we consider 
                # this 52 weeks, not 52 weeks & 1 day (2 if a leap year)
                full = 52 * advance_to_first.years
                odd_days = 0
                return full, odd_days                
                # For >1 year, there need to be exactly 52 weeks per year, 
                # meaning 364 day years. The 365th day is a freebie.
                year_remainder = convert_to_days - datetime.timedelta(days=(
                    365 * advance_to_first.years))
                full, odd_days = divmod(year_remainder, days_per_week)
                full += 52 * advance_to_first.years
                    # Sum weeks from this year, weeks from past years
                odd_days = _dt_to_int(odd_days) / 7
                    # Convert odd_days from a timedelta object to an int
                return full, odd_days

            print("What ppy was that?") 
                ### Raise an error appropriate to your application

        print("'advance' and 'first_payment_due' should both be datetime.date objects")

def regulationZ_APR(loan_amt, payment_amt, num_of_pay, ppy, advance,
    first_payment_due, apr_guess=.05):
    """Returns the calculated APR using Regulation Z/Truth In Lending Appendix
    J's calculation method"""
    result = apr_guess
    tempguess = apr_guess + .1
    full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(advance, first_payment_due, ppy)

    while abs(result - tempguess) > .00001:
        result = tempguess
            # Step 1
        rate = tempguess/(100 * ppy)
        A1 = generalEquation(num_of_pay, payment_amt, full, odd_days, rate)
            # Step 2
        rate2 = (tempguess + 0.1)/(100 * ppy)
        A2 = generalEquation(num_of_pay, payment_amt, full, odd_days, rate2)
            # Step 3
        tempguess = tempguess + 0.1 * (loan_amt - A1)/(A2 - A1)

    return result

import unittest
class RegZTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_regular_first_period(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(5000, 230, 24, 12, 
            datetime.date(1978, 1, 10), datetime.date(1978, 2, 10)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 9.69)

    def test_long_first_payment(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(6000, 200, 36, 12, 
            datetime.date(1978, 2, 10), datetime.date(1978, 4, 1)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 11.82)

    def test_semimonthly_payment_short_first_period(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(5000, 219.17, 24, 24, 
            datetime.date(1978, 2, 23), datetime.date(1978, 3, 1)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 10.34)

    def test_semimonthly_payment_short_first_period2(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(5000, 219.17, 24, 24, 
            datetime.date(1978, 2, 23), datetime.date(1978, 3, 1), apr_guess=
            10.34), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 10.34)

    def test_quarterly_payment_long_first_period(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(10000, 385, 40, 4, 
            datetime.date(1978, 5, 23), datetime.date(1978, 10, 1), apr_guess=
            .35), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 8.97)

    def test_weekly_payment_long_first_period(self):
        testVar = round(regulationZ_APR(500, 17.6, 30, 52, 
            datetime.date(1978, 3, 20), datetime.date(1978, 4, 21), apr_guess=
            .1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(testVar, 14.96)

class dayVarConversionsTest(unittest.TestCase):     
    def test_regular_month(self):
        full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(datetime.date(1978, 1, 10), datetime.date(
            1978, 2, 10), 12)
        self.assertEqual(full, 1)
        self.assertEqual(odd_days, 0)

    def test_long_month(self):
        full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(datetime.date(1978, 2, 10), datetime.date(
            1978, 4, 1), 12)
        self.assertEqual(full, 1)
        self.assertEqual(odd_days, 19/30)

    def test_semimonthly_short(self):
        full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(datetime.date(1978, 2, 23), datetime.date(
            1978, 3, 1), 24)
        self.assertEqual(full, 0)
        self.assertEqual(odd_days, 6/15)

    def test_quarterly_long(self):
        full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(datetime.date(1978, 5, 23), datetime.date(
            1978, 10, 1), 4)
        self.assertEqual(full, 1)
        self.assertEqual(odd_days, 39/90)

    def test_weekly_long(self):
        full, odd_days = dayVarConversions(datetime.date(1978, 3, 20), datetime.date(
            1978, 4, 21), 52)
        self.assertEqual(full, 4)
        self.assertEqual(odd_days, 4/7)
于 2015-06-12T21:14:08.317 回答