我是这个领域的新手,我正在尝试用 2d 图像在 3d 中建模一个简单的场景,但我没有任何关于相机的信息。我知道有3 个选项

  • 我有两张图像,并且我知道我从 XML 加载的相机模型(内部模型),例如loadXMLFromFile()=> stereoRectify()=>reprojectImageTo3D()

  • 我没有,但我可以校准我的相机 => stereoCalibrate()=> stereoRectify()=>reprojectImageTo3D()

  • 我无法校准相机(这是我的情况,因为我没有拍摄 2 张​​图像的相机,然后我需要使用 SURF、SIFT 在两张图像上找到对关键点(我可以使用任何 blob检测器),然后计算这些关键点的描述符,然后根据它们的描述符匹配右图和左图的关键点,然后从中找到基本矩阵。处理要困难得多,大概是这样的:

    1. 检测关键点(SURF,SIFT)=>
    2. 提取描述符 (SURF,SIFT) =>
    3. 比较和匹配描述符(BruteForce,基于 Flann 的方法)=>
    4. 从这些对中找到基本 mat ( findFundamentalMat()) =>
    5. stereoRectifyUncalibrated()=>
    6. reprojectImageTo3D()


1) 对吗?

2)如果没问题,我对最后一步有疑问stereoRectifyUncalibrated()=> reprojectImageTo3D()。函数的签名reprojectImageTo3D()是:

void reprojectImageTo3D(InputArray disparity, OutputArray _3dImage, InputArray Q, bool handleMissingValues=false, int depth=-1 )

cv::reprojectImageTo3D(imgDisparity8U, xyz, Q, true) (in my code)


  • disparity– 输入单通道 8 位无符号、16 位有符号、32 位有符号或 32 位浮点视差图像。
  • _3dImage– 输出与 . 大小相同的 3 通道浮点图像disparity。的每个元素都包含从视差图中计算出_3dImage(x,y)的点的 3D 坐标。(x,y)
  • Q– 4x4 透视变换矩阵,可以用 获得stereoRectify()
  • handleMissingValues– 指示函数是否应处理缺失值(即未计算差异的点)。如果handleMissingValues=true,则与异常值相对应的具有最小视差的像素(请参阅StereoBM::operator())被转换为具有非常大 Z 值(当前设置为 10000)的 3D 点。
  • ddepth– 可选的输出数组深度。如果为-1,则输出图像将具有CV_32F深度。ddepth也可以设置为CV_16S,CV_32S或 `CV_32F'。


3)是否有另一种方法可以在不校准相机的情况下获得 xyz 坐标?


#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/cvaux.h>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

    // Read the images
    Mat imgLeft = imread( argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE );
    Mat imgRight = imread( argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE );

    // check
    if (!imgLeft.data || !imgRight.data)
            return 0;

    // 1] find pair keypoints on both images (SURF, SIFT):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    // vector of keypoints
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypointsLeft;
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypointsRight;

    // Construct the SURF feature detector object
    cv::SiftFeatureDetector sift(
            0.01, // feature threshold
            10); // threshold to reduce
                // sensitivity to lines
                // Detect the SURF features

    // Detection of the SIFT features

    std::cout << "Number of SURF points (1): " << keypointsLeft.size() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of SURF points (2): " << keypointsRight.size() << std::endl;

    // 2] compute descriptors of these keypoints (SURF,SIFT) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    // Construction of the SURF descriptor extractor
    cv::SurfDescriptorExtractor surfDesc;

    // Extraction of the SURF descriptors
    cv::Mat descriptorsLeft, descriptorsRight;

    std::cout << "descriptor matrix size: " << descriptorsLeft.rows << " by " << descriptorsLeft.cols << std::endl;

    // 3] matching keypoints from image right and image left according to their descriptors (BruteForce, Flann based approaches)

    // Construction of the matcher
    cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher;

    // Match the two image descriptors
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches;
    matcher.match(descriptorsLeft,descriptorsRight, matches);

    std::cout << "Number of matched points: " << matches.size() << std::endl;

    // 4] find the fundamental mat ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    // Convert 1 vector of keypoints into
    // 2 vectors of Point2f for compute F matrix
    // with cv::findFundamentalMat() function
    std::vector<int> pointIndexesLeft;
    std::vector<int> pointIndexesRight;
    for (std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator it= matches.begin(); it!= matches.end(); ++it) {

         // Get the indexes of the selected matched keypoints

    // Convert keypoints into Point2f
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> selPointsLeft, selPointsRight;

    /* check by drawing the points
    std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator it= selPointsLeft.begin();
    while (it!=selPointsLeft.end()) {

            // draw a circle at each corner location

    it= selPointsRight.begin();
    while (it!=selPointsRight.end()) {

            // draw a circle at each corner location
    } */

    // Compute F matrix from n>=8 matches
    cv::Mat fundemental= cv::findFundamentalMat(
            cv::Mat(selPointsLeft), // points in first image
            cv::Mat(selPointsRight), // points in second image
            CV_FM_RANSAC);       // 8-point method

    std::cout << "F-Matrix size= " << fundemental.rows << "," << fundemental.cols << std::endl;

    /* draw the left points corresponding epipolar lines in right image
    std::vector<cv::Vec3f> linesLeft;
            cv::Mat(selPointsLeft), // image points
            1,                      // in image 1 (can also be 2)
            fundemental,            // F matrix
            linesLeft);             // vector of epipolar lines

    // for all epipolar lines
    for (vector<cv::Vec3f>::const_iterator it= linesLeft.begin(); it!=linesLeft.end(); ++it) {

        // draw the epipolar line between first and last column

    // draw the left points corresponding epipolar lines in left image
    std::vector<cv::Vec3f> linesRight;
    for (vector<cv::Vec3f>::const_iterator it= linesRight.begin(); it!=linesRight.end(); ++it) {

        // draw the epipolar line between first and last column
        cv::line(imgLeft,cv::Point(0,-(*it)[2]/(*it)[1]), cv::Point(imgLeft.cols,-((*it)[2]+(*it)[0]*imgLeft.cols)/(*it)[1]), cv::Scalar(255,255,255));

    // Display the images with points and epipolar lines
    cv::namedWindow("Right Image Epilines");
    cv::imshow("Right Image Epilines",imgRight);
    cv::namedWindow("Left Image Epilines");
    cv::imshow("Left Image Epilines",imgLeft);

    // 5] stereoRectifyUncalibrated()::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    //H1, H2 – The output rectification homography matrices for the first and for the second images.
    cv::Mat H1(4,4, imgRight.type());
    cv::Mat H2(4,4, imgRight.type());
    cv::stereoRectifyUncalibrated(selPointsRight, selPointsLeft, fundemental, imgRight.size(), H1, H2);

    // create the image in which we will save our disparities
    Mat imgDisparity16S = Mat( imgLeft.rows, imgLeft.cols, CV_16S );
    Mat imgDisparity8U = Mat( imgLeft.rows, imgLeft.cols, CV_8UC1 );

    // Call the constructor for StereoBM
    int ndisparities = 16*5;      // < Range of disparity >
    int SADWindowSize = 5;        // < Size of the block window > Must be odd. Is the 
                                  // size of averaging window used to match pixel  
                                  // blocks(larger values mean better robustness to
                                  // noise, but yield blurry disparity maps)

    StereoBM sbm( StereoBM::BASIC_PRESET,
        SADWindowSize );

    // Calculate the disparity image
    sbm( imgLeft, imgRight, imgDisparity16S, CV_16S );

    // Check its extreme values
    double minVal; double maxVal;

    minMaxLoc( imgDisparity16S, &minVal, &maxVal );

    printf("Min disp: %f Max value: %f \n", minVal, maxVal);

    // Display it as a CV_8UC1 image
    imgDisparity16S.convertTo( imgDisparity8U, CV_8UC1, 255/(maxVal - minVal));

    namedWindow( "windowDisparity", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL );
    imshow( "windowDisparity", imgDisparity8U );

    // 6] reprojectImageTo3D() :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    //Mat xyz;
    //cv::reprojectImageTo3D(imgDisparity8U, xyz, Q, true);

    //How can I get the Q matrix? Is possibile to obtain the Q matrix with 
    //F, H1 and H2 or in another way?
    //Is there another way for obtain the xyz coordinates?

    return 0;

3 回答 3


StereoRectifyUncalibrated 仅计算平面透视变换而不是对象空间中的校正变换。有必要将此平面变换转换为对象空间变换以提取 Q 矩阵,我认为它需要一些相机校准参数(如相机内在函数)。这个主题可能有一些研究课题正在进行中。

您可能已经添加了一些步骤来估计相机内在特性,并提取相机的相对方向以使您的流程正常工作。如果没有使用主动照明方法,我认为相机校准参数对于提取场景的正确 3d 结构至关重要。


于 2012-05-22T07:57:26.487 回答
  1. 该程序对我来说看起来不错。

  2. 据我所知,关于基于图像的 3D 建模,相机是经过显式校准或隐式校准的。您不想明确校准相机。无论如何,您都会使用这些东西。匹配对应点对绝对是一种大量使用的方法。

于 2012-05-29T01:49:49.593 回答

我认为您需要使用 StereoRectify 来校正您的图像并获得 Q。此功能需要两个参数(R 和 T)两个相机之间的旋转和平移。因此,您可以使用solvePnP 计算参数。这个函数需要某个对象的一些 3d 真实坐标和图像中的 2d 点及其对应点

于 2013-07-14T23:13:27.740 回答