I recently learned that it is possible to generate C# code at runtime and I would like to put this feature to use. I have code that does some very basic geometric calculations like computing line-plane intersections and I think I could gain some performance benefits by generating specialized code for some of the methods because many of the calculations are performed for the same plane or the same line over and over again. By specializing the code that computes the intersections I think I should be able to gain some performance benefits.
The problem is that I'm not sure where to begin. From reading a few blog posts and browsing MSDN documentation I've come across two possible strategies for generating code at runtime: Expression trees and IL.Emit. Using expression trees seems much easier because there is no need to learn anything about OpCodes and various other MSIL related intricacies but I'm not sure if expression trees are as fast as manually generated MSIL. So are there any suggestions on which method I should go with?