所以这是一个家庭作业,我总共做了大约 10 个小时。我只是想要一些提示,看看我哪里出错了。所以我的任务基本上是为大整数制作一个计算器,我的教授提供了骨架。他要求我们编写的函数是减、除、乘、幂 (x^n) 和小于函数。我很确定我的 lessThan 和 multiply 函数可以正常工作,但也许不是,无论如何,我的工作如下,我将在之后描述我的问题:

public class Calc {

// main
// Parses the command-line arguments as an integer
// operation, packages the operands as digit arrays,
// calls the appropriate calculator function, and 
// then outputs the result.
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length == 3) {
    int[] input1 = construct(args[0]);
    int[] input2 = construct(args[2]);
    if (args[1].equals("plus")) {
    int[] result = plus(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("minus")) {
    int[] result = minus(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("times")) {
    int[] result = times(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("div")) {
    int[] result = div(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("power")) {
    int[] result = power(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("less")) {
    boolean result = lessThan(input1,input2);
    } else if (args[1].equals("equal")) {
    boolean result = equal(input1,input2);
    } else {
    TextIO.putln("Invalid binary operation.  Try using +, -, +, /, ^, <, or =.");
} else if (args.length == 2) {
    int[] input = construct(args[0]);
    // it must be a unary operation
    if (args[1].equals("!")) {
    int[] result = factorial(input);
    } else {
    TextIO.putln("Expected factorial operation!");
} else {
    TextIO.putln("Invalid input.  Try either a binary operation or factorial.");

// plus
// Computes the sum of two digit arrays,
// represented as a digit array.
public static int[] plus(int[] a, int[] b) {

// Determine the result's maximum length.
int alen, blen, len;
alen = length(a);
blen = length(b);
if (alen > blen) {
    len = alen + 1;
} else {
    len = blen + 1;

// Allocate an array of digits with that length.
int[] c = new int[len];

// Compute the sum of the digits, working from
// least to most significant.
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i = i+1) {
    int sum = carry;
    if (i < alen) {
    sum = sum + a[i];
    if (i < blen) {
    sum = sum + b[i];
    c[i] = sum % 10;
    carry = sum / 10;

// Trim off the leading 0s.
return trim(c);

// minus
// Computes the difference of two digit arrays,
// represented as a digit array.
// You can assume that the first operand is 
// larger than the second one.
public static int[] minus(int[] a, int[] b) {
        int [] zero = new int [1];
                zero[0] = 0;
        return zero;

    int c = 0;

    int lb = length(b);
    while(lb > c)
            b[c] = (b[c]) * (-1);
    return plus(a,b);

// times
// Computes the product of two digit arrays,
// represented as a digit array.
// HINT: use repeated addition.  You might need
//       to write lessThan first.
// BONUS: perform this using the schoolbook 
//        method.
public static int[] times(int[] a, int[] b) {
    int len;
        if(length(a) > length(b))
            len = length(a) + 1;
            len = length(b) + 1;
        int[] c = new int[len];
            counterArray = new int[length(b)];
            counterArray[length(b)-1] = 1;
            counterArray = new int[length(a)];
            counterArray[length(a)-1] = 1;

        int[] counterTwo = new int[1];
        counterTwo[0] = 1;
        c = plus(c,b);
        counterArray = plus(counterArray, counterTwo);
        return plus(c,b);

// div
// Computes the quotient of two digit arrays,
// represented as a digit array.
public static int[] div(int[] a, int[] b) {
    int[] counter = zero();
    boolean value = true;
        return zero();
    else {
            a = minus(a,b);
            counter = plus(counter,one());
                value = false;

        return counter;

/**boolean checker = false;
int[] c = new int[length(a)];
for(int i = 0; i < length(a); i++)
    c[i] = 0;
int counter = 0;
while (!checker)
        checker = true;

    else if(lessThan(a,c))
        checker = true;
    else if (lessThan(c,a))
        c = plus(c,b);
return construct("" + (counter));*/

// factorial
// Computes the factorial of a digit array,
// as a digit array.
public static int[] factorial(int[] a) {
int[] count = one();
int[] product = one();
while (lessThan(count,a) || equal(count,a)) {
    product = times(product,count);
    count = plus(count,one());
return product;

// power
// Computes the p-th power of a digit array x, 
// where p is also given as a digit array.  The
// result is calculated as a digit array.
public static int[] power(int[] x, int[] p) {
    int pl = length(p);
    int[] checker = new int[1];
    checker[0] = 0;
    int[] adder = new int[1];
    adder[0] = 0;
    if ((p[pl - 1] % 2) == 0)
            while(equal(checker,p) == false)
                adder = plus(square(x),adder);
                p = minus(p,construct("" + 2));
            return adder;
        int[] checkertwo = new int[1];
        checkertwo[0] = 1;
        while(equal(checkertwo,p) == false)
            adder = plus(square(x), adder);
            p = minus(p,construct("" + 2));
        return times(adder,x);

public static int[] square(int[] x)
    return times(x,x);

// equal
// Returns whether or not two digit arrays 
// represent the same number.
public static boolean equal(int[] a, int[] b) {
int[] ta = trim(a);
int[] tb = trim(b);
if (ta.length != tb.length) {
    return false;
} else {
    for (int i = a.length-1; i >= 0; i = i-1) {
    if (a[i] != b[i]) {
        return false;
    return true;

// lessThan
// Returns whether or not one digit array
// represents a number less than another.
public static boolean lessThan(int[] a, int[] b) {
boolean value = false;
a = minus(a,construct(""+0));
b = minus(b,construct(""+0));
if(length(b) > length(a))
    value = true;
else if(length(a) == length(b))
    boolean c = false;
    int counter = 0;
    while(counter < length(a))
        c = false;
            if(a[counter] > b[counter])
                c = true;
                value = false;
                value = true;
    value = false;
return value;


// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
// These are helper functions that can be used in 
// the above code.

// construct
// Converts a string that consists of decimal digits
// into an array of those digits.
public static int[] construct(String digits) {
int len;
int[] a;

len = digits.length();
a = new int[len];

// Copy each digit of the string into
// the digit array, but as integers 
// rather than characters.

for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i = i-1) {

    // get the i-th digit
    char c = digits.charAt(i);

    // check if it is a valid digit
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
    a[len-1-i] = (int)(c-'0');
    } else {
    // treat nondigits as 0 digits
    a[len-1-i] = 0;

// trim off leading 0s
return trim(a);

// zero
// returns the digits representing 0
public static int[] zero() {
return construct("0");

// one
// returns the digits representing 0
public static int[] one() {
return construct("1");

// trim
// Takes an array of integer digits representing an integer,
// one that may have leading 0 digits, and constructs an 
// array with no leading digits.
public static int[] trim(int[] a) {
int len = length(a);

int[] b;
// build an array of that length
b = new int[len];

// set the digits
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
    b[i] = a[i];

return b;

// put
// Outputs an array of digits, from most- to least-
// significant, excluding any leading 0s.
public static void put(int[] a) {
int len = length(a);

for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i = i-1) {

// putln
// Outputs an array of digits, from most- to least-
// significant, excluding any leading 0s, followed by
// a carriage return.
public static void putln(int[] a) {

// length
// Counts the number of digits in a digit array
// excluding leading 0s.
public static int length(int[] a) {
int len = a.length;

// figure out the number's real length
while (len > 0 && a[len-1] == 0) {
    len = len - 1;
if (len == 0) {
    return 1;
} else {
    return len;


我的减号功能似乎不起作用,出于某种原因,我不知道出了什么问题。x - y = x + (-y) 对我来说是有道理的,这是我认为我做的正确的。也许我的教授写的 plus 函数不能很好地工作?我试着考虑一下。我认为这个负函数是我的除法和幂函数不可或缺的。很抱歉我的笔记不清楚,但是有人可以看一下,并就我最重要的减号函数在哪里搞砸了,因为我认为一旦我让它正常工作,我就可以做到休息。


2 回答 2



carry = sum / 10; // existing

if (c[i] < 0) {
   c[i] = c[i] + 10; // Create a positive complement of base 10.
   carry = carry - 1; // Borrowed. (or carry = -1)

如果没有此修复,当第二个操作数数字较大时,它将返回一个负值,该值将在结果中显示为 -数字。例如,12 + (-8)将打印为1-6

于 2011-12-01T00:33:06.120 回答


public static int[] minus(int[] a, int[] b) {
    int len = length(a);
    int blen = length(b);

    int[] c = new int[len];

    int carry = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i = i+1) {

        int sum = a[i] - carry;
        if (i < blen) sum -= b[i];
        if (sum < 0) {
            sum += 10;
            carry = 1;
        } else {
            carry = 0;
        c[i] = sum;
于 2011-12-01T00:20:02.337 回答