
我有 3 种在手机上标记为内容的音效,比特率都相同。

  • 声音1.wav
  • sound2.wav
  • 声音3.wav

我希望用户能够以任何顺序或他们喜欢的次数选择 wav 文件的播放顺序,然后根据他们的选择生成一个新的 wav 文件,该文件可以存储并从隔离存储。

所以Thank You Walt Ritscher到目前为止的帮助,但你最终会看到我的编码技能充其量是支离破碎的。我在下面的代码中试图传达的是,用户将被提示选择任何/所有带有点击事件的声音,他的选择将决定新的音效听起来像什么(它的顺序等)但是还有很多我不知道的,这是我想出的代码(虽然不在我的编码计算机上);

//SO I have this master list of sounds to use, indicated in this block of code:
//sound1.wav, sound2.wav, sound3.wav
// my wav files are marked as resources
// get the wav file from the DLL
var streamInfo1 = Application.GetResourceStream(
    new Uri(sound1.wav, UriKind.Relative));
var streamInfo2 = Application.GetResourceStream(
    new Uri(sound2.wav, UriKind.Relative));
var streamInfo3 = Application.GetResourceStream(
    new Uri(sound3.wav, UriKind.Relative));

//With the above declarations made, I run each one as a stream as a variable.
var stream1 = streamInfo1.Stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
var stream2 = streamInfo2.Stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
var stream3 = streamInfo3.Stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;

//The user can choose the sounds in any order, and repeat if desired.
//Let us assume the user chose in this order:
//sound1.wav + sound1.wav + sound2.wav +sound3.wav

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  var bytesA = new byte[stream1.Length];
  var bytesB = new byte[stream1.Length];
  var bytesC = new byte[stream2.Length];

// read the bytes from the stream into the array
stream1.Read(bytesA, 0, (int)stream1.Length);
stream2.Read(bytesB, 0, (int)stream1.Length);
stream3.Read(bytesC, 0, (int)stream2.Length);

var combined = new byte[bytesA.Length + bytesA.Length + bytesB.Length] + bytesC.Length]];

// copy the bytes into the combined array
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesA, 0, combined, 0, bytesA.Length);
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesB, 0, combined, bytesA.Length, bytesB.Length);

var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
outputStream.Write(combined, 0, combined.Length);

// substitute your own sample rate
var effect = new SoundEffect(
      buffer: outputStream.ToArray(),
      sampleRate: 48000,
      channels: AudioChannels.Mono);
var instance = effect.CreateInstance();

// save stream to IsolatedStorage

1 回答 1


基本上你必须从流中获取字节并组合成一个新的字节数组。然后将该数组存储到 UnmanagedMemoryStream 中。

   // my wav files are marked as resources
   // get the wav file from the DLL
   var streamInfo1 = Application.GetResourceStream(
        new Uri(loopWav, UriKind.Relative));
   var streamInfo2 = Application.GetResourceStream(
        new Uri(beatWav, UriKind.Relative));

    var stream1 = streamInfo1.Stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
    var stream2 = streamInfo2.Stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;

    var bytesA = new byte[stream1.Length];
    var bytesB = new byte[stream2.Length];

    // read the bytes from the stream into the array
    stream1.Read(bytesA, 0, (int)stream1.Length);
    stream2.Read(bytesB, 0, (int)stream2.Length);

    var combined = new byte[bytesA.Length + bytesB.Length];

    // copy the bytes into the combined array
    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesA, 0, combined, 0, bytesA.Length);
    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesB, 0, combined, bytesA.Length, bytesB.Length);

    var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
    outputStream.Write(combined, 0, combined.Length);

    // substitute your own sample rate
    var effect = new SoundEffect(
          buffer: outputStream.ToArray(),
          sampleRate: 48000,
          channels: AudioChannels.Mono);

    var instance = effect.CreateInstance();

    // save stream to IsolatedStorage

我为 CoDe Magazine 写了更多关于 WP7 音频的文章。


于 2011-11-15T22:28:10.640 回答