QGraphicsPixmapItem 和 QGraphicsItem 一样,有一个方法 update(x0, y0, width, height),以便仅在 QGraphicsScene 上重绘一个像素图。调用它会在 QGraphicsItem 上安排一个 paint()(在 Qt 的事件循环中),并且在执行这个 paint() 之后,边界框 (x,y,width,height) 将被重绘到 QGraphcisScene。
不幸的是,没有办法用边界框来安排绘制事件,这意味着 QGraphicsPixmapItem::paint() 被迫重新绘制整个 QPixmap,因此在子类中重新实现这个 paint() 方法无法仅部分更新 QPixmap,因此对 QPixmap 进行小(本地)更新的速度令人无法接受。
class LocallyUdatablePixmapItem : public QGraphicsPixmapItem {
QImage ℑ
LocallyUdatablePixmapItem(QImage &img) : QGraphicsPixmapItem(), image(img) {}
paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QStyle *widget) {
//locall update, unfortunately without a boundig box :( therefore -> slow
另一种选择是保留 QGraphicsPixmapItem 的“内部 QPixmap”,并将 QImage 部分绘制到它,如下所示:
//some initialization of variables
QGraphicsScene scene = ...;
QImage img = ...; //some image data that I wish to manipulate from time to time
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(this->shown);
QPainter painter = new QPainter(&this->pixmap);
QGraphicsPixmapItem item = this->addPixmap(this->pixmap);
//this should not matter, but actually it does, as I will explain shortly
//delete painter;
//painter = new QPainter(item->pixmap());
//For some reason I decide to update (manimulate) img within a small boundigbox
int x0, y0, width, height; //bounding box, assume they are set to whatever is appropriate for the previous update
painter->drawImage (x0, y0, img, x0, y0, width, height);
//now the pixmap is updated, unfortunately the item is not. This does not affect it:
item->update(x0, y0, width, height);
//nor does this:
//but this, which makes the whole thing slow, does:
鉴于我需要设置像素图来修复它,我假设它在初始化时没有设置,因此取消之前提到的行似乎是个好主意。不幸的是,drawImage() 调用随后会出现段错误: