在 python 2.7 中工作。
def starterTrans3(starter):
wins = 0
losses = 0
nd = 0
team = [[1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 5], [3, -1]]
for t, s in zip(team, starter):
score_add(team, exit_score(team, starter))
length = len(starter)
for i in range(0, length):
if team[i][4] > 0 and (team[i][1] > -team[i][4]) and team[i][2] >= 5:
wins += 1
elif team[i][4] < 0 and (team[i][1] <= -team[i][4]):
losses += 1
elif (team[i][4] <= 0 and team[i][1] >= -team[i][4]):
nd += 1
return wins, losses, nd
我希望能够多次模拟结果,使用 random.shuffle(team) 对团队列表进行随机排序。
def MonteCarlo(starter, x):
for i in range(0, x):
print starterTrans3(starter)
但我希望能够将所有模拟中的所有胜利、失败和平局相加,然后除以模拟次数(在本例中为 x),以获得胜利、失败和平局的平均值的模拟。
我尝试将 starterTrans 函数更改为具有等于 += wins 的 total_wins 变量,但我无法弄清楚。有任何想法吗?