我的以下代码使用卡方的“分位数”和 Boost 的概率函数计算置信区间。
我正在尝试实现此功能以避免对 Boost 的依赖。有什么资源可以在哪里找到这样的实现?
#include <boost/math/distributions/chi_squared.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
using namespace std;
using boost::math::chi_squared;
using boost::math::quantile;
vector <double> ConfidenceInterval(double x) {
vector <double> ConfInts;
// x is an estimated value in which
// we want to derive the confidence interval.
chi_squared distl(2);
chi_squared distu((x+1)*2);
double alpha = 0.90;
double lower_limit = 0;
if (x != 0) {
chi_squared distl(x*2);
lower_limit = (quantile(distl,((1-alpha)/2)))/2;
double upper_limit = (quantile(distu,1-((1-alpha)/2)))/2;
return ConfInts;