我正在使用 Python 2.7。我的系统正在运行 Window Vista,32 位。
我有一段代码可以读取辐射度、纬度和经度以及一个图像文件(以 hdf 扩展名)。然后尝试执行近似最近邻并对其进行映射。但是当它试图做近似最近的邻居时,它给了我内存错误。
仅 hdf 文件就有 4.70 MB,看起来大小不算太大。
if __name__=="__main__":
filename = ... ( the hdf file I have)
cumData, z = readAIRS_L1_VIS(filename)
x, y = get_lat_lon(filename)
x0, xn = int(x.min()+1), int(x.max())
y0, yn = int(y.min()+1), int(y.max())
ncol = xn - x0 + 1
nrow = yn - y0 + 1
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x0, xn+1), np.arange(y0, yn+1))
img = interp_knn(np.column_stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel())),
z.ravel(), np.column_stack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel())))
img.shape = (nrow, ncol)
from pyhdf.SD import SD
import scipy as sc
import numpy as np
import pylab, os
import pyproj as proj
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import scikits.ann as ann
def readAIRS_L1_VIS(filename,variable=None):
read hdf file for AIR Level 1B VIS
input : AIRS HDF file
input : variables parameter (optional, default = radiances)
returns dictionary with data and meta
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise "Invalid Filepath"
reader = SD(filename)
aVariables = reader.datasets().keys()
if variable==None:
variable = 'radiances'
elif variable in aVariables:
raise "Invalid Variable Specified"
data = reader.select(variable).get()
#data = np.array(data)
outDict = {'Variable':variable,'filename':filename.split('/')[-1],'data':data}
return outDict,np.vstack(allz)
这是 def get_lat_lon:
def get_lat_lon(path):
allx = []
ally = []
reader = SD(path)
lat = reader.select('Latitude').get()
lon = reader.select('Longitude').get()
x,y = Proj(lon,lat)
x /= 1000.0
y /= 1000.0
return np.vstack(allx),np.vstack(ally)
这是 def interp_knn (这是近似的最近邻 ANN)
def interp_knn(data, z, p):
print "building kdtree"
k = ann.kdtree(data)
print "kdtree lookup..."
ind, dist = k.knn(p, 1)
print "done"
img = z[ind[:,0]]
img[dist[:,0] > 15] = N.NaN
return img
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "....\read_HDF5.py", line 166, in <module>
z.ravel(), np.column_stack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel())))
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\shape_base.py", line 296, in column_stack
return _nx.concatenate(arrays,1)
print "x:",x
print "x.shape:",x.shape
print "y:",y
print "y.shape:",y.shape
print "X:",X
print "X.shape",X.shape
print "Y:",Y
print "Y.shape",Y.shape
print "x0:",x0
print "xn:",xn
print "y0:",y0
print "yn:",yn
x: [[ 10424.20322635 10454.76060099 10485.45730949 ..., -12968.67726035
-12685.76602721 -12375.06502138]
[ 10382.59291927 10412.4034849 10442.35640928 ..., -12992.35321415
-12700.8632597 -12380.48805381]
[ 10340.74366218 10369.79366321 10398.98895233 ..., -13017.45507334
-12716.86098332 -12386.19350493]
[ 5327.05493943 5275.15394042 5223.90854331 ..., 1918.57476975
1821.32106295 1717.34665908]
[ 5303.06157859 5251.14693111 5199.89936454 ..., 1914.50352498
1818.19581363 1715.23546366]
[ 5280.12577523 5226.55972784 5176.11746996 ..., 1910.4792526
1815.09866674 1714.77978295]]
x.shape: (135, 90)
y: [[ 8049.59989276 8099.28303285 8147.42741851 ..., 9925.58168202
9933.46845934 9937.89861612]
[ 8056.91586464 8106.78261584 8155.11136874 ..., 9953.01973235
9961.14109569 9965.68870206]
[ 8064.04624932 8114.09204498 8162.60060337 ..., 9980.50394667
9988.87543224 9993.54921283]
[ 7258.03197692 7292.42166577 7325.40914928 ..., 8225.26655004
8228.18675519 8230.16218915]
[ 7242.59306102 7276.75919255 7309.52794297 ..., 8201.49165135
8204.39528226 8206.36728948]
[ 7226.54007095 7261.56601577 7293.59601515 ..., 8177.75663252
8180.64399766 8182.58727191]]
y.shape: (135, 90)
X: [[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]
[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]
[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]
[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]
[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]
[-14149 -14148 -14147 ..., 14166 14167 14168]]
X.shape (3635, 28318)
Y: [[ 7227 7227 7227 ..., 7227 7227 7227]
[ 7228 7228 7228 ..., 7228 7228 7228]
[ 7229 7229 7229 ..., 7229 7229 7229]
[10859 10859 10859 ..., 10859 10859 10859]
[10860 10860 10860 ..., 10860 10860 10860]
[10861 10861 10861 ..., 10861 10861 10861]]
Y.shape (3635, 28318)
x0: -14149
xn: 14168
y0: 7227
yn: 10861