我正在 Jison 中编写一个简单的表达式解析器。这是我的语法:
"operators": [
["left", "+", "-"],
["left", "*", "/", "%"]
"bnf": {
"program": [
["statement EOF", "return $1;"]
"statement": [
["expression NEWLINE", "$$ = $1 + ';';"]
"expression": [
["NUMBER", "$$ = yytext;"],
["expression binary expression", "$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;"]
"binary": [
["+", "$$ = ' + ';"],
["-", "$$ = ' - ';"],
["*", "$$ = ' * ';"],
["/", "$$ = ' / ';"],
["%", "$$ = ' % ';"],
["binary NEWLINE", "$$ = $1;"]
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is + in state
- reduce by rule: expression -> expression binary expression
- shift token (then go to state 8)
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is - in state
- reduce by rule: expression -> expression binary expression
- shift token (then go to state 9)
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is * in state
- reduce by rule: expression -> expression binary expression
- shift token (then go to state 10)
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is / in state
- reduce by rule: expression -> expression binary expression
- shift token (then go to state 11)
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is % in state
- reduce by rule: expression -> expression binary expression
- shift token (then go to state 12)
States with conflicts:
State 13
expression -> expression binary expression . #lookaheads= NEWLINE + - * / %
expression -> expression .binary expression
binary -> .+
binary -> .-
binary -> .*
binary -> ./
binary -> .%
binary -> .binary NEWLINE
但是,它最终仍然会产生正确的输出。例如2 + 3 * 5 / 7 % 11
正确翻译为2 + 3 * 5 / 7 % 11;
在我看来,我的语法似乎是明确的,那么为什么 Jison 会抱怨呢?
更新:正如@icktoofay 解释的那样,这是一个运算符关联性问题。通过将运算符解析为非终结符号运算符优先级和关联性信息会丢失。因此,我解决了以下问题:
"operators": [
["left", "+", "-"],
["left", "*", "/", "%"]
"bnf": {
"program": [
["statement EOF", "return $1;"]
"statement": [
["expression NEWLINE", "$$ = $1 + ';';"]
"expression": [
["NUMBER", "$$ = yytext;"],
["expression + expression", "$$ = $1 + ' + ' + $3;"],
["expression - expression", "$$ = $1 + ' - ' + $3;"],
["expression * expression", "$$ = $1 + ' * ' + $3;"],
["expression / expression", "$$ = $1 + ' / ' + $3;"],
["expression % expression", "$$ = $1 + ' % ' + $3;"],
["expression + NEWLINE expression", "$$ = $1 + ' + ' + $4;"],
["expression - NEWLINE expression", "$$ = $1 + ' - ' + $4;"],
["expression * NEWLINE expression", "$$ = $1 + ' * ' + $4;"],
["expression / NEWLINE expression", "$$ = $1 + ' / ' + $4;"],
["expression % NEWLINE expression", "$$ = $1 + ' % ' + $4;"]
话虽如此,该语法只允许一个可选的换行符跟随二元运算符。如何重写它以允许任意数量的换行符跟随二元运算符?此外,必须有某种方式我不必为每个运算符编写 2 条规则。