I've successfully installed guard with haml and livereload plugins. In a running guard shell, when both are running, if I press enter, haml successfully gets compiled to html, then served up to a listening browser.
However, when only editing the haml file, and I save a change, livereload simply reloads the browser with the same generated .html. It does not recompile .haml -> .html, then serve it to the browser.
My Guardfile is below. What am I missing in this setup? i) In the guard shell, pressing enter compiles then serves the generated html. ii) But saving changes in the haml file only serves up old html, without compiling the haml.
guard 'haml', :input => 'public', :output => 'public' do
guard 'livereload' do
ps - this is not a rails project. just using the raw guard, guard-haml & guard-livereload gems