有点困惑,想知道这是 ASP.Net 问题还是我的代码。当运行“For Each datarow”时,如果我在文本框之前放置任何下拉列表,那么之后的任何文本框都是空白的,即使它在“red blodded”时遇到的代码也是如此。(官方说法?)
Dim sConnString As String = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SQLLInk").ConnectionString
Dim dsNames As SqlDataSource
dsNames = New SqlDataSource
dsNames.ConnectionString = sConnString
Dim sSQL As String
Dim vID As String
vID = (sender.SelectedValue.ToString)
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblExpenses WHERE ID = '" & Session.Item("ID").ToString & "'"
dsNames.SelectCommand = sSQL
For Each datarow As Data.DataRowView In dsNames.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
lblEmployeeID.Text = datarow("EmployeeID").ToString
lblReceiptFile.Text = datarow("ReceiptFile").ToString
txtAdminNotes.Text = datarow("AdminNotes").ToString
'if I put ddProgress before any of the above they appear blank
ddProgress.Text = datarow("Progress").ToString