I am working on this iPhone app with which you can send message to other connected device. I have gone through following tutorial


Everything seems to be fine. No memory leaks or anything like that. Now I installed this application on iPad and iTouch. iPad is running 4.3.5 and iTouch is running 4.2.1. I am using X Code 4.0 with iOS 4.3 as base sdk. I set my targets to 4.0 in X Code for above project (like Target->Messenger->summary->deployment target->4.0) similarly for project.

Now when I run application and try to connect it with other device, it shows only looking for nearby iOS devices and nothing happens further. But when I set deployment target to 4.3 and install same app on iPad, that iPad can detect iTouch but not able to connect it.

Can anyone tell me why is this happening and how to deal with it ?

Regards, Sumit


1 回答 1


您是否尝试使用 Xcode Simulator 通过蓝牙连接您的 iPod Touch?然后它可以更确保您的编程正确运行。

于 2011-09-23T10:18:02.670 回答