
Queue12 是一个接口,QueueImp12 是Queue12 的一个实现。所以我正在尝试测试我的 QueueImp12,但是当我在 Eclipse 中运行它(它编译)时,我的输出在控制台中终止。我相信我正确地创建了 ringBuffer。如果我的测试看起来不错,那么我的实现或 Eclipse 一定有问题。谢谢

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class QueueImpl12<T> implements Queue12<T> 

private int _size, _backIdx, _frontIdx;
private static final int _defaultCapacity = 128;
private T[] _ringBuffer;

public QueueImpl12(int capacity)
    _ringBuffer = (T[]) new Object[capacity];

public QueueImpl12()
    _ringBuffer = (T[]) new Object[_defaultCapacity];

private int wrapIdx(int index)

    return index % capacity();

public void clear() 
    _backIdx = 0;
    _frontIdx = 0;
    _size = 0;


public int capacity() 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return _ringBuffer.length;

public int size() 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return _size;

public boolean enqueue(T o) 
    //add o to back of queue

    if(_ringBuffer.length == _size)
        return false;

       _ringBuffer[_backIdx] = o;
        _backIdx = wrapIdx(_backIdx + 1 );

    return true;

public T dequeue()
    if(_size == 0)  //empty list
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

    T tempObj = _ringBuffer[_frontIdx];     //store frontIdx object
    _ringBuffer[_frontIdx] = null;          

    return tempObj;

public T peek() 

    return _ringBuffer[_frontIdx];


public class P3test  
public static<T> void main(String[] args) 
    final Queue12<T> ringBuffer = new QueueImpl12<T>();
    T o = (T) new String("this");
    ringBuffer.enqueue(o); //add element to the back
    ringBuffer.dequeue();  //remove/return element in the front


1 回答 1




final Queue12<T> ringBuffer = new QueueImpl12<T>();
T o = (T) new String("this");
ringBuffer.enqueue(o); //add element to the back
System.out.println(ringBuffer.peek());//this should print 'this' in the console\
//assertEquals('this', ringBuffer.peek());
ringBuffer.dequeue();  //remove/return element in the front


于 2011-08-26T11:05:40.150 回答