我查看了这个问题的上一个答案并尝试创建一个列表输入,但它没有用。这是我的代码,它产生了一个可爱的不安情节,但审阅者要求从标签中删除下划线。我回到 CSV 文件并删除了下划线,但最后我用句号代替了下划线。有没有办法重新标记集合名称?

upset(Services, sets = c("Sleep_Problems", "Lack_Exercise", "Oppositional_Behaviour", 
                       "Social_Withdrawal", "Excessive_Gaming", 
    "Online_Bullying", "Task_Difficulties", "None"), 
        point.size =4, font(size = 24),
       mb.ratio = c(0.55, 0.45), order.by = "freq", 
    mainbar.y.label = "Parents Perceptions of Child's Mobile Media Use \nNumber of Negative Experiences in Shared Categories", sets.x.label = "        Total for Each Negative Experience\n                                 for Child's Mobile Media Use (n=213; Missing = 16)",  
     text.scale = c(1.6, 1.2, 1.3,1.3, 1.7, 1.4),
   keep.order = FALSE)

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