我正在尝试学习 RISC-V 并编写了一个阶乘函数,但它遇到了模拟器错误,暗示可能存在无限循环。我现在不确定如何调试我的代码,并且想知道人们是否可以提示我可能做错了什么。
.globl factorial
n: .word 8
la t0, n #t0 corresponds to n
lw a0, 0(t0)
jal ra, factorial
addi a1, a0, 0
addi a0, x0, 1
ecall # Print Result
addi a1, x0, '\n'
addi a0, x0, 11
ecall # Print newline
addi a0, x0, 10
ecall # Exit
addi sp sp -16
sw s0 0(sp) #s0 corresponds to i, initialised to n
sw s1 4(sp) #s1 corresponds to factorial that will be constantly updated; also initialised to 1
sw s2 8(sp) #s2 corresponds to n, or t0
sw s3 12(sp)
add s2 x0 t0
addi s1 x0 1
add s0 x0 t0
addi s3 x0 4 #this is what we use to decrement s0 (i) by 1 each time
beq s0 x0 exit
mul s1 s1 s0
sub s0 s0 s3
j loop
lw s0 0(sp)
lw s1 4(sp)
lw s2 8(sp)
lw s3 12(sp)
addi sp sp 16