我正在尝试使用 phyloseq 对象(包含 OTU、TAX 和元数据)制作多个堆叠的条形图,其中条形图上的分类群顺序保持不变,但在每个图表上,特定分类群是彩色的,而其余的是灰色的。我使用简单的数据框编写了粗略的代码草稿,但我不确定如何将其应用于 phyloseq 对象。
##good_phylum being the specfic taxa i want colorized
good_phylum <- c("p__Firmicutes")
## pig_df contains taxa information and relative abundance
pig_df[!(pig_df$Phylum %in% good_phylum),]$Phylum <- "OTHER"
##organizing color palette so Firmicutes is colored blue, the rest are grey
colors <- rep("#0000", length(unique(pig_df$Phylum)))
colors[match('p__Firmicutes', sort(unique(pig_df$Phylum)))] <- 'blue'
##Plot stacked bar plot
ggplot2(pig_df) + geom_bar(position="stack",
stat="Phylum") + scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 14))
structure(list(Phylum = c("p__Actinobacteria", "p__Bacteroidetes",
"p__Firmicutes", "p__Lentisphaerae", "p__Proteobacteria", "p__Spirochaetes"
), AL.5 = c(5.54534, 44.05287, 37.01594, 0, 2.71389, 10.67196
), AL.4 = c(0, 40.61791, 29.41689, 0, 0.39118, 29.57402), AL.3 = c(0.51442,
39.55305, 35.79623, 0, 2.79092, 21.34539), AL.2 = c(2.97639,
53.8286, 25.08614, 0, 8.70794, 9.40094), AL.1 = c(3.35874, 39.20605,
25.74435, 0.30047, 9.23324, 22.15715), LF.5 = c(0.40971, 3.95695,
17.63298, 0.06856, 76.56688, 1.36492), LF.4 = c(2.7231, 12.9073,
81.70363, 0.09188, 1.12626, 1.44782), LF.3 = c(9.58431, 7.14942,
56.77299, 0, 20.15845, 6.33483), LF.2 = c(0.26317, 17.63049,
27.01207, 0, 53.73687, 1.3574), LF.1 = c(5.48864, 36.46061, 41.32865,
0, 1.71807, 15.00404)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
就像我说的那样,我已经写了上面的代码来处理一个简单的数据框,但我想把它用到我的 phyloseq 工作流程中。
*编辑:使用最小的示例数据框进行了更新,并更新了代码以与所述 df 一起使用