
这是一种离散数学积分问题 - 我需要在固定时期内将固定数量的项目拟合到二项分布或钟形曲线。

假设我总共M运送了T几天n的箱子,当天到达的箱子数量在哪里t。我需要一种方法来计算每天 t 的 n(t),这样

  1. Sum ( n(t) ) 0 -> t = M

  2. t是整数,并且n(t)是整数,并且

  3. 火柴的形状n(t)尽可能接近钟形曲线。


如果有人确实认为这是一个非常值得的问题,这里是我从 Yves Daoust 答案中的指针拼凑而成的 Javascript。

See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259421/
function normal(x, mean, stdDev) {
    return stdNormal(( x - mean ) / stdDev);

function stdNormal(z) {
    // Power series is not stable at these extreme tail scenarios
    if (z < -6) { return 0; }
    if (z >  6) { return 1; }

    let j, k ;
    let m = 1;        // m(k) == (2**k)/factorial(k)
    let b = z;        // b(k) == z ** (2*k + 1)
    let z2 = z * z;    // cache of z squared
    let z4 = z2 * z2;  // cache of z to the 4th
    let values = [];

    // Compute the power series in groups of two terms.
    // This reduces floating point errors because the series
    // alternates between positive and negative.
    for (k=0; k<100; k+=2) {
        const a = 2*k + 1;
        let item = b / (a*m);
        item *= (1 - (a*z2)/((a+1)*(a+2)));
        m *= (4*(k+1)*(k+2));
        b *= z4;

    // Add the smallest terms to the total first that
    // way we minimize the floating point errors.
    let total = 0;
    for (k=49; k>=0; k--) {
        total += values[k];

    // Multiply total by 1/sqrt(2*PI)
    // Then add 0.5 so that stdNormal(0) === 0.5
    return 0.5 + 0.3989422804014327 * total;

Compute the cdf of the binomial distribution between 0 and T, times M.
Round all values to integers. Let m(t) the numbers so obtained.
Use n(t) = m(t+1) - m(t). In doing so, you ensure Σ n(t) = n(T) - n(0) = M.
Thanks to Yves Daoust
function distributeItems(itemsToPlace = 100, steps = 7) {
    const mean = Math.floor((steps - 1) / 2);
    const stdDev = mean / 2.96; /// for 'standard' std dev ;-)
    const m = [0]; // cdf
    const n = [0]; // items
    for (var step = 1; step <= steps; step++) {
        m.push(Math.round(normal(step, mean, stdDev) * itemsToPlace,0));
        n.push( m[step] - m[step - 1] );
    const interimCount = n.reduce(function (sum, elt) { return sum+elt; }, 0);
    const discrepancy = itemsToPlace - interimCount;
    if (discrepancy !==0) {
        n[n.length-1] += discrepancy;
    return n;

const n = distributeItems(40,7);
console.log('Items: ',n, 'Total: ',n.reduce(function (sum, elt) { return sum+elt; }, 0))

// Result
// [ 0, 1, 5, 14, 14, 5, 1, 0 ] 40


1 回答 1



计算 0 和 T 之间的二项式分布的 cdf,乘以 M。

将所有值四舍五入为整数。让 m(t) 得到这样的数字。

使用 n(t) = m(t+1) - m(t)。这样做,您可以确保 Σ n(t) = n(T) - n(0) = M。

在下图中,蓝色曲线是精确的二项式 N=7,p=0.3,调整为 M=20。橙色曲线是通过上述过程获得的。如您所见,2+5+6+4+2+1+0+0=20。


于 2021-08-11T21:20:07.083 回答