I like GNU/Linux and writing bash scripts to automatize my tasks. But I am a beginner and have a lot of problems with it. So, I have a subtitle file in format like I this(I'm Polish so it's a Polish subtitles):
00:00:27:W zamierzchłych czasach|ziemia pokryta była lasami.
00:00:31:Od wieków mieszkały|w nich duchy bogów.
00:00:37:Człowiek żył w harmonii ze zwierzętami.
I thing you understanding this simple format. The problem is that in the "movie file", before the movie starts is 1:15 of introduction. I want to add to each subtitle file's line 1:15. So the example should look like this:
00:01:43:W zamierzchłych czasach|ziemia pokryta była lasami.
00:01:46:Od wieków mieszkały|w nich duchy bogów.
00:01:52:Człowiek żył w harmonii ze zwierzętami.
Could you help me to write this script?
BTW I'm Polish and I'm still learning English. So if you cannot understand me, write.