People, please can you evaluate my code and give me a hand?
I need to reverse de X-axis of my box-plot, as you can see, the x-axis is the age in Ma, R plot the values in ascending range and I need them in the reverse form (ie 65-64, 64 -63, 63-62, 62-61, 61-60). I tried with scale_y_reverse (), but no good results
Please help me.
Thanks a lot.Box-plot
Install Tidiverse
Open library
Usign qplot
qplot(data =Filogen, x = Filogen$EDAD_1, y = Filogen$AREA_SUR, fill = Filogen$EDAD_1, geom = "boxplot", ylab = 'Área (km²)', xlab = 'Edad (Ma)')