

对于我的用例,我想在收到所有活动的结果后并行调用 n 个活动,我想进入下一个状态,它可以是另一个活动或决策任务。

但是这里它给了我一个类似于 Java 中的 Future 的 Promise 对象。如果我们编写 promise.get() 来获得结果,但它阻塞了线程。




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  • 然后申请
  • 处理
  • 然后撰写
  • 异常地

这种风格类似于 Java 的CompletableFuture

   * Returns Promise that contains a result of a function. The function is called with the value of
   * this Promise when it is ready. #completeExceptionally is propagated directly to the returned
   * Promise skipping the function.
   * <p>Note that no blocking calls are allowed inside of the function.
  <U> Promise<U> thenApply(Functions.Func1<? super V, ? extends U> fn);

   * Returns Promise that contains a result of a function. The function is called with the value of
   * this Promise or with an exception when it is completed. If the function throws a {@link
   * RuntimeException} it fails the resulting promise.
   * <p>Note that no blocking calls are allowed inside of the function.
  <U> Promise<U> handle(Functions.Func2<? super V, RuntimeException, ? extends U> fn);

   * Returns a new Promise that, when this promise completes normally, is executed with this promise
   * as the argument to the supplied function.
   * @param fn the function returning a new Promise
   * @param <U> the type of the returned CompletionStage's result
   * @return the Promise that completes when fn returned Promise completes.
  <U> Promise<U> thenCompose(Functions.Func1<? super V, ? extends Promise<U>> fn);

   * Returns a new Promise that, when this promise completes exceptionally, is executed with this
   * promise's exception as the argument to the supplied function. Otherwise, if this promise
   * completes normally, then the returned promise also completes normally with the same value.
   * @param fn the function to use to compute the value of the returned CompletionPromise if this
   *     CompletionPromise completed exceptionally
   * @return the new Promise
  Promise<V> exceptionally(Functions.Func1<Throwable, ? extends V> fn);
于 2021-05-14T17:13:27.687 回答


您可以使用Promise.anyOf以阻塞方式等待集合中单个 Promise 的完成。

于 2021-05-14T22:28:34.957 回答