表达式趋于 0 时(exp(t) - 1)/t收敛到 1。t但是,当进行数值计算时,我们得到了不同的结果:

In [19]: (exp(10**(-12)) - 1) * (10**12)                                        
Out[19]: 1.000088900582341

In [20]: (exp(10**(-13)) - 1) * (10**13)                                        
Out[20]: 0.9992007221626409

In [21]: (exp(10**(-14)) - 1) * (10**14)                                        
Out[21]: 0.9992007221626409

In [22]: (exp(10**(-15)) - 1) * (10**15)                                        
Out[22]: 1.1102230246251565

In [23]: (exp(10**(-16)) - 1) * (10**16)                                        
Out[23]: 0.0


如果相关,我将 Python 与 scipy 和 numpy 一起使用。


1 回答 1


The discussion in the comments about tiny values seems pointless. If t is so tiny that it causes underflow, then the expression is 1 "since a long time". Indeed the Taylor development is

1 + t/2 + t²/6 + t³/24...

and as soon as t < 1 ulp, the floating-point representation is exactly 1.

Above that, expm1(t)/t will do a good job.

于 2021-03-18T10:06:50.490 回答