I am using webcamera in C# (using AForge). I also have some default background. I need to extract the difference between current image and background and create a new image which contains only the objects which are not present on the default background. For example, if I move my hand in front of webcamera, I need to output only that hand (with the rest of backgound white). If I just compare pixel by pixel it gets ugly, since there is a lot of noise. I have tried using threshold value for difference, but the result is still very bad. I think that maybe there is some filter or a known algorithm how to do that? Any help would be very much appreciated.


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int threshold = 30;
PixAvg1[i,j] = (Pix1.R + Pix1.G + Pix1.B)/3
PixAvg2[i,j] = (Pix2.R + Pix2.G + Pix2.B)/3
if (Math.Abs(PixAvg1[i,j] - PixAvg2[i,j+1])>threshold)
    difPixel == true;



于 2013-06-26T15:32:38.597 回答