我有要建模的半连续数据(许多精确的零和连续的积极结果)。我从 Zuur 和 Ieno 的《R 中零膨胀模型初学者指南》中很大程度上了解了质量为零的建模数据,该指南区分了零膨胀伽马模型和他们所谓的“零改变”伽马模型,他们描述了作为障碍模型,它结合了零点的二项式分量和正连续结果的伽马分量。我一直在探索该ziGamma
打包并将得到的系数与我按照 Zuur 的书(第 128-129 页)中的说明构建的障碍模型进行比较,它们并不重合。我很难理解为什么不这样做,因为我知道伽马分布不能取零值,所以我想每个零膨胀伽马模型在技术上都是一个障碍模型。谁能为我照亮这个?查看代码下方有关模型的更多评论。
### DATA
id <- rep(1:75000)
age <- sample(18:88, 75000, replace = TRUE)
gender <- sample(0:1, 75000, replace = TRUE)
cost <- c(rep(0, 30000), rgamma(n = 37500, shape = 5000, rate = 1),
sample(1:1000000, 7500, replace = TRUE))
disease <- sample(0:1, 75000, replace = TRUE)
time <- sample(30:3287, 75000, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(cbind(id, disease, age, gender, cost, time))
# create binary variable for non-zero costs
df <- df %>% mutate(cost_binary = ifelse(cost > 0, 1, 0))
# gamma component
hurdle_gamma <- glm(cost ~ disease + gender + age + offset(log(time)),
data = subset(df, cost > 0),
family = Gamma(link = "log"))
model_parameters(hurdle_gamma, exponentiate = T)
# binomial component
hurdle_binomial <- glm(cost_binary ~ disease + gender + age + time,
data = df, family = "binomial")
model_parameters(hurdle_binomial, exponentiate = T)
# predicted probability of use
df$prob_use <- predict(hurdle_binomial, type = "response")
# predicted mean cost for people with any cost
df_bin <- subset(df, cost_binary == 1)
df_bin$cost_gamma <- predict(hurdle_gamma, type = "response")
# combine data frames
df2 <- left_join(df, select(df_bin, c(id, cost_gamma)), by = "id")
# replace NA with 0
df2$cost_gamma <- ifelse(is.na(df2$cost_gamma), 0, df2$cost_gamma)
# calculate predicted cost for everyone
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(cost_pred = prob_use * cost_gamma)
# mean predicted cost
### glmmTMB with ziGamma
zigamma_model <- glmmTMB(cost ~ disease + gender + age + offset(log(time)),
family = ziGamma(link = "log"),
ziformula = ~ disease + gender + age + time,
data = df)
model_parameters(zigamma_model, exponentiate = T)
df <- df %>% predict(zigamma_model, new data = df, type = "response") # doesn't work
# "no applicable method for "predict" applied to an object of class "data.frame"
我的障碍模型的 gamma 分量和 zigamma 模型的固定效应分量的系数相同,但 SE 不同,这在我的实际数据中对我感兴趣的预测变量的重要性有重大影响。零膨胀模型的系数不同,我还注意到二项式分量中的 z 值是我的二项式模型中的负数。我认为这与我的二项式模型建模存在概率(1 是成功)和 glmmTMB 大概建模不存在概率(0 是成功)有关?
总之,谁能指出我在 glmmTMB ziGamma 模型上做错了什么?