我必须比较两个字符串,因为 str1 包含多少百分比 str2。

str1="Hello wolrd"

意味着distance(str1, str2)应该返回 50% .. 就像那样。


2 回答 2


我不是数学家,无法为您展示这样的神奇公式,但是这个示例将让您开始使用递归 - 请仔细查看代码注释:

/* same_words array should hold the following:
   ["john", "bbc", "hot", "red,", "xyz,", "apples,", "and", "likes"]

    - The more words you add, the less the percentage will be... that's how percent works.
    - milk and MILK are the same word, but:  MILK and MILK, aren't the same because of the comma (same goes for periods).

var  jSmith =  'JOHN smith LIKES bananas, HOT chocolate, AND APPLES, nonsense, RED, 321, XYZ, BBC or npr',
jSmithArray =  jSmith.trim().toLowerCase().split(' '); //Makes an array of words for jSmith

var  jDoe =  'JOHN doe LIKES oranges, milk, AND APPLES, XYZ, 123, RED, green, HOT and... cnn sucks, BBC rocks',
jDoeArray =  jDoe.trim().toLowerCase().split(' '); //Makes an array of words for jDoe

var bothJohns = jSmithArray.concat(jDoeArray); //console.log(bothJohns);

var c = 0; //counter
var same_words = []; //collection container

//collects all the words that occur in both sentences
function collectSimilarWords(word) {

//The w parameter holds the word "john" for the 1st time.
//The fn parameter holds always the collectSimilarWords() function.
function recur(w, fn) {
  for (var p in jSmithArray) { //Every property of the jSmithArray Array holds a word string.
    if (w) {
       if (w == jSmithArray[p]) { //If the word we passed in as a parameter is the same word as one of the jSmithArray elements...
           fn( jSmithArray[p] ); //...then pass this word to the collectSimilarWords() function.
       c += 1; //Increase c so we can move to...
       recur(jDoeArray[c], collectSimilarWords); //...the next word recursively.

//Call recur() and pass in the first word of the jDoeArray as the 1st param, and a function as the 2nd param.
recur(jDoeArray[c], collectSimilarWords);

function calcWhatever(samewords) { //Feel free to calculate however you want.
   var percent = ( (samewords.length * 100) / bothJohns.length ).toFixed(2);
   var msg = "Out of Smith\'s plus Doe's words (total: " + bothJohns.length + "), about " + percent + "% (or " + same_words.length + ") of them are found in both of their sentences!";
   return msg;

//Hopefuly setTimeout() will log the same_words array when the recursive function has finished.
window.setTimeout(function() {
    console.log(  calcWhatever(same_words)  );
}, 1000);

代替for in循环,您可以像这样轻松地使用 for 循环:

for (var p = 0; p<jSmithArray.length; p++) { /* ... */ }
于 2012-04-16T22:32:20.047 回答


var str1 = 'helloworld';
var str2 = 'hello';
var percent = 0;
var newstr = str1.search(str2);
if(newstr != -1){

    percent = (str2.length * 100)/str1.length;





于 2012-04-16T06:50:40.447 回答