我有一个游戏对象,它存在于我的场景中的世界空间中。我想在屏幕空间中获取此游戏对象的渲染器的边界矩形角的坐标,因为我有想要定位在此框周围的 UI 元素。

背景:我正在制作一个教程,并且我正在使用面板来使所有内容变暗,除了一个不会变暗的游戏对象。我可以使用已经存在于屏幕空间中并对其进行矩形变换的按钮轻松完成此操作,但我无法弄清楚如何围绕世界空间中的游戏对象执行此操作。我们使用的是带正交投影的相机,并且使用的是 Unity 版本 2019.2.17f1。


public void FocusOnRenderer(Renderer renderer) {

        // left, top, right, and bottom are Panels whose pivots are set as follows:
        // top: (1, 0)
        // right: (0, 0)
        // bottom: (0, 1)
        // left: (1, 1)
        // so when their positions are set to be the corners of the target bounding box, they will fit together nicely.


        Vector3 center = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(renderer.bounds.center); // center of bounding box
        Vector3 halfSize = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(renderer.bounds.extents)); // half size of bounding box

        Vector3 topRight = center + halfSize;
        Vector3 topLeft = center  + new Vector3(-halfSize.x, halfSize.y, halfSize.z);
        Vector3 bottomRight = center  + new Vector3(halfSize.x, -halfSize.y, halfSize.z);
        Vector3 bottomLeft = center  + new Vector3(-halfSize.x, -halfSize.y, halfSize.z);

        left.position = topLeft;
        top.position = topRight;
        right.position = bottomRight;
        bottom.position = bottomLeft;

我认为这是错误的,因为我正在使用渲染器的边界来计算 halfSize 和 center 并没有给我一个边界矩形。我希望有一种简单的内置方法可以做到这一点,但到目前为止我还没有找到任何东西。



2 回答 2


我找到了答案(来自Unity 论坛上@SparrowsNest的视频建议)!这是从相关时间戳开始的视频:https ://youtu.be/2Tgqr1_ajqE?t=1061


  1. 从渲染器的边界获取边界框的角
  2. 将这些角落转换为屏幕空间
  3. 获取最小和最大 x 和 y 值
  4. 使用这些最小和最大 x 和 y 值设置我的面板的位置


    public void FocusOnBounds(Bounds bounds) {
        // left, top, right, and bottom are Panels whose pivots are set as follows:
        // top: (1, 0)
        // right: (0, 0)
        // bottom: (0, 1)
        // left: (1, 1)
        // so when their positions are set to be the corners of the target bounding box, they will fit together nicely.


        Vector3 c = bounds.center;
        Vector3 e = bounds.extents;

        Vector3[] worldCorners = new [] {
            new Vector3( c.x + e.x, c.y + e.y, c.z + e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x + e.x, c.y + e.y, c.z - e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x + e.x, c.y - e.y, c.z + e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x + e.x, c.y - e.y, c.z - e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x - e.x, c.y + e.y, c.z + e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x - e.x, c.y + e.y, c.z - e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x - e.x, c.y - e.y, c.z + e.z ),
            new Vector3( c.x - e.x, c.y - e.y, c.z - e.z ),

        IEnumerable<Vector3> screenCorners = worldCorners.Select(corner => Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(corner));
        float maxX = screenCorners.Max(corner => corner.x);
        float minX = screenCorners.Min(corner => corner.x);
        float maxY = screenCorners.Max(corner => corner.y);
        float minY = screenCorners.Min(corner => corner.y);

        Vector3 topRight = new Vector3(maxX, maxY, 0);
        Vector3 topLeft = new Vector3(minX, maxY, 0);
        Vector3 bottomRight = new Vector3(maxX, minY, 0);
        Vector3 bottomLeft = new Vector3(minX, minY, 0);

        left.position = topLeft;
        top.position = topRight;
        right.position = bottomRight;
        bottom.position = bottomLeft;
于 2020-12-23T19:43:51.070 回答




输出:可在画布中使用的 2D 矩形边界

static Rect RendererBoundsInScreenSpace(Renderer r) {
        // This is the space occupied by the object's visuals
        // in WORLD space.
        Bounds bigBounds = r.bounds;

        if(screenSpaceCorners == null)
            screenSpaceCorners = new Vector3[8];

        Camera theCamera = Camera.main;

        // For each of the 8 corners of our renderer's world space bounding box,
        // convert those corners into screen space.
        screenSpaceCorners[0] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x + bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y + bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z + bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[1] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x + bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y + bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z - bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[2] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x + bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y - bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z + bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[3] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x + bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y - bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z - bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[4] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x - bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y + bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z + bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[5] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x - bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y + bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z - bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[6] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x - bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y - bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z + bigBounds.extents.z ) );
        screenSpaceCorners[7] = theCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( bigBounds.center.x - bigBounds.extents.x, bigBounds.center.y - bigBounds.extents.y, bigBounds.center.z - bigBounds.extents.z ) );

        // Now find the min/max X & Y of these screen space corners.
        float min_x = screenSpaceCorners[0].x;
        float min_y = screenSpaceCorners[0].y;
        float max_x = screenSpaceCorners[0].x;
        float max_y = screenSpaceCorners[0].y;

        for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
            if(screenSpaceCorners[i].x < min_x) {
                min_x = screenSpaceCorners[i].x;
            if(screenSpaceCorners[i].y < min_y) {
                min_y = screenSpaceCorners[i].y;
            if(screenSpaceCorners[i].x > max_x) {
                max_x = screenSpaceCorners[i].x;
            if(screenSpaceCorners[i].y > max_y) {
                max_y = screenSpaceCorners[i].y;

        return Rect.MinMaxRect( min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y );

于 2021-08-11T14:52:55.887 回答