dirNames <- unique(dirname(list.files("data/scRNA_CITE",
full.names = T,
recursive = T)))
#reading multiple directories and a resultant list
dat <- purrr::map(dirNames, Read10X)
names(dat) <- dirNames
#reading just one file
#M06 <- Read10X(data.dir = "data/m06/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/")
#renaming the rows of a list element (here named antibody capture) within one list works!
rownames(x = M06[["Antibody Capture"]]) <- gsub(pattern = "*_TotalSeqC", replacement = "",
x = rownames(x = M06[["Antibody Capture"]]))
#creating function for purrr
change_rname <- function(x){
rownames(x[["Antibody Capture"]]) <- sub(pattern = "*_TotalSeqC", replacement = "", x[["Antibody Capture"]])
# using the same function to rename multiple elements within multiple lists of a bigger list works temporarily BUT DOES not get saved within the bigger list
我不知道如何为此制作一个代表,以允许加载文件。如何使函数与 purrr 一起工作并允许在列表元素内重命名?
由reprex 包(v0.3.0)于 2020-12-01 创建