我正在尝试将 2 个设置添加到我的 postgresql.conf 文件(在 CentOS Greenplum Postgres 9.4 实例上)并且我收到了这条消息:
log_destination"": setting is ignored because it is defunct
log_line_prefix"": setting is ignored because it is defunct
# If the execution time of the query is longer than the specified time, log the query text and execution time in the log
log_min_duration_statement = 0
# Information to prefix to the log message
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h' # '%t %d %u %p %h '
log_checkpoints = on
# Log the client's connection
log_connections = on
# Log client disconnects
log_disconnections = on
#Leave lock wait longer than the time specified by # deadlock_timeout (default 1 second) in the log
log_lock_waits = on
# Leave logs that temporary files were created (all 0's)
log_temp_files = 0
# Log language is limited to English
lc_messages = 'C'
log_destination = 'csvlog'