我似乎在下面的语法行中有错误。我认为问题在于工作簿 book1 的范围参数。我不知道为什么。基本上我想在 2 个工作簿中查找。

该代码是从工作簿 - book1 调用的。就在这行代码工作簿之前 - book2 被激活。两个工作簿都是打开的。我通过用变体变量替换左侧来捕获错误代码 2015。

感谢您对此 vlookup 问题的任何帮助。谢谢。

 Cells(j, c + 2).value = [VLookup(workbooks(book2).sheets(5).range(Cells(j, c + 1)), workbooks(book1).sheets(4).range(cells(row1+2,1),cells(row2,col1)), 3, false)]

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Sub VlookMultipleWorkbooks()
Dim lookFor as String
Dim srchRange as Range
Dim book1 as Workbook
Dim book2 as Workbook

'Set some Workbook variables:
Set book1 = Workbooks("Book 1 Name") '<edit as needed
Set book2 = Workbooks("Book 2 Name") '<edit as needed

'Set a string variable that we will search for:
lookFor = book2.sheets(5).range(Cells(j, c + 1))

'Define the range to be searched in Book1.Sheets(4):
Set srchRange = book1.Sheets(4).Range(cells(row1+2,1).Address, cells(row2,col1).Address)

'This assumes that the Book2 is Open and you are on the desired active worksheet:
ActiveSheet.Cells(j, c + 2).value = _
         Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookFor, _
         book1.Sheets(4).Range(srchRange.Address), 3, False)

End Sub
于 2013-03-27T14:03:35.773 回答

Below is a simple example.

Sub VlookMultipleWorkbooks()

    Dim lookFor As Range
    Dim srchRange As Range

    Dim book1 As Workbook
    Dim book2 As Workbook

    Dim book2Name As String
    book2Name = "test.xls"    'modify it as per your requirement

    Dim book2NamePath As String
    book2NamePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & book2Name

    Set book1 = ThisWorkbook

    If IsOpen(book2Name) = False Then Workbooks.Open (book2NamePath)
    Set book2 = Workbooks(book2Name)

    Set lookFor = book1.Sheets(1).Cells(2, 1)   ' value to find
    Set srchRange = book2.Sheets(1).Range("B:C")    'source

    lookFor.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.VLookup(lookFor, srchRange, 2, False)

End Sub

Function IsOpen(strWkbNm As String) As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim wBook As Workbook
    Set wBook = Workbooks(strWkbNm)

    If wBook Is Nothing Then    'Not open
        IsOpen = False
        Set wBook = Nothing
        On Error GoTo 0
        IsOpen = True
        Set wBook = Nothing
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If

End Function

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于 2013-03-28T06:28:35.400 回答