+ 和 - 项分别是多头和空头头寸的市场价值,它们的差值代表两个头寸的净值。如果我们假设我们想在交易开始时“市场中立” t=0,净值为零。
对于t > 0,这些净头寸代表已开仓和尚未平仓的多头和空头头寸的未实现收益或损失。C一词表示我们实际持有的货币。它由初始抵押品和股票头寸的累积收益和损失组成。
基于此,您可以定义以下函数,对于短仓选择 option type='shares'
def weighted_return(type, df, weights):
capital = 100
#given the input dataframe contains return series
if type == "returns":
# create price indices
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
df_price_index = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
df_price_index.iloc[0] = 100 + df.iloc[0]
for i in np.arange(1, len(df_price_index)):
for col in df_price_index.columns:
df_price_index[col].iloc[i] = df_price_index[col].iloc[i - 1] * (1 + df[col].iloc[i])
n = 0
ind_acc = []
for stock in df.columns:
ind_capital = capital * weights[n]
moves = (df_price_index[stock].diff()) * ind_capital / df_price_index[stock][0]
n += 1
pair_ind_accounts = pd.concat(ind_acc, axis=1)
portfolio_acc = pair_ind_accounts.sum(1).cumsum() + capital
df_temp_returns_combined = portfolio_acc.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined[0] = np.sum(weights * df.iloc[0].values)
df_temp_returns_combined = pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
#given the input dataframe contains price series
if type == "prices":
n = 0
ind_acc = []
for stock in df.columns:
ind_capital = capital * weights[n]
moves = (df[stock].diff()) * ind_capital / df[stock][0]
n += 1
pair_ind_accounts = pd.concat(ind_acc, axis=1)
portfolio_acc = pair_ind_accounts.sum(1).cumsum() + capital
df_temp_returns_combined = portfolio_acc.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined[0] = np.NaN
df_temp_returns_combined = pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
#given the input dataframe contains return series and the strategy is long/short
if type == "shares":
exposures = []
for stock in df.columns:
shares = 1/df[stock][0]
exposure = df[stock] * shares
df_temp = pd.concat(exposures, axis=1)
index_long = np.where(np.array(weights) == 1)
index_short = np.where(np.array(weights) == -1)
df_temp_account = pd.DataFrame(df_temp.iloc[:,index_long[0]].values - df_temp.iloc[:,index_short[0]].values) + 1
df_temp_returns_combined = df_temp_account.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
df_temp_returns_combined.index = df.index
return pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)