我很难编写自定义损失函数,该函数使用根据 Softmax 输出预测的类/状态生成的一些随机权重。所需的属性是:
- 该模型是一个简单的前馈神经网络,输入维数为 1,输出维数为 6。
- 输出层的激活函数是 Softmax,它打算使用 Argmax 估计实际的类或状态数。
- 请注意,训练数据仅包含 X(没有 Y)。
- 损失函数是根据基于每个输入样本 X 的预测状态数采样的随机权重(即 Weibull 分布)定义的。
如下,我提供了一个最小的例子来说明。为简化起见,我仅根据 state/class-1 的随机权重定义损失函数。我得到:“ValueError:没有为任何变量提供渐变:['dense_41/kernel:0', 'dense_41/bias:0', 'dense_42/kernel:0', 'dense_42/bias:0']。”
如下面的帖子所示,我发现 argmax 是不可微的,softargmax 函数会有所帮助(正如我在下面的代码中实现的那样)。但是,我仍然遇到同样的错误。 绕过不可微分的 tf.argmax
import sys
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from scipy.stats import weibull_min
# Generate Dataset
lb = np.array([2.0]) # Left boundary
ub = np.array([100.0]) # Right boundary
# Data Points - uniformly distributed
N_r = 50
X_r = np.linspace(lb, ub, N_r)
#Define Model
class DGM:
# Initialize the class
def __init__(self, X_r):
#Normalize training input data
self.Xmean, self.Xstd = np.mean(X_r), np.std(X_r)
X_r = (X_r - self.Xmean) / self.Xstd
self.X_r = X_r
#Input and output variable dimensions
self.X_dim = 1; self.Y_dim = 6
# Define tensors
self.X_r_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_r, dtype=tf.float32)
#Learning rate
#Feedforward neural network model
self.modelTest = self.test_model()
# Initialize network weights and biases
def test_model(self):
input_shape = self.X_dim
dimensionality = self.Y_dim
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(64, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform',bias_initializer='zeros'))
return model
def compute_loss(self):
#Define optimizer
gen_opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=self.LEARNING_RATE, beta_1=0.0,beta_2=0.9)
with tf.GradientTape() as test_tape:
###### calculate loss
generated_u = self.modelTest(self.X_r_tf, training=True)
#number of data
n_data = generated_u.shape[0]
#initialize random weights assuming state-1 at all input samples
wt1 = np.zeros((n_data, 1),dtype=np.float32) #initialize weights
for b in range(n_data):
wt1[b] = weibull_min.rvs(c=2, loc=0, scale =4 , size=1)
wt1 = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(wt1, dtype=tf.float32),shape=(n_data,1))
#print('-----------sampling done-----------')
#determine the actual state using softargmax
idst = self.softargmax(generated_u)
idst = tf.reshape(tf.cast(idst, tf.float32),shape=(n_data,1))
#index state-1
id1 = tf.constant(0.,dtype=tf.float32)
#assign weights if predicted state is state-1
wt1_final = tf.cast(tf.equal(idst, id1), dtype=tf.float32)*wt1
#final loss
test_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(wt1_final))
#print('-----------test loss calcuated-----------')
gradients_of_modelTest = test_tape.gradient(test_loss,
return test_loss
#reference: Getting around tf.argmax which is not differentiable
def softargmax(self, x, beta=1e10):
x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x)
x_range = tf.range(x.shape.as_list()[-1], dtype=x.dtype)
return tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softmax(x*beta,axis=1) * x_range, axis=-1)
def train(self,training_steps=100):
train_start_time = time.time()
for step in tqdm(range(training_steps), desc='Training'):
start = time.time()
test_loss = self.compute_loss()
if (step + 1) % 10 == 0:
elapsed_time = time.time() - train_start_time
sec_per_step = elapsed_time / step
mins_left = ((training_steps - step) * sec_per_step)
tf.print("\nStep # ", step, "/", training_steps,
tf.print("Current time:", elapsed_time, " time left:",
mins_left, output_stream=sys.stdout)
tf.print("Test Loss: ", test_loss, output_stream=sys.stdout)
#Define and train the model
model = DGM(X_r)