/ Double
。为此目的, Haskell 的标准库Rational
ghci> calculateE 100 :: Rational
4299778907798767752801199122242037634663518280784714275131782813346597523870956720660008227544949996496057758175050906671347686438130409774741771022426508339 % 1581800261761765299689817607733333906622304546853925787603270574495213559207286705236295999595873191292435557980122436580528562896896000000000000000000000000
import Data.List(unfoldr)
import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Ratio
-- first element is integral part (+ sign), rest are positive and < 10 and are digits
-- after the decimal point (for negative numbers, these digits should be seen as having negative value)
longDivision :: Integral a => Ratio a -> NonEmpty a
longDivision x = hi :| unfoldr go (abs lo)
where (hi, lo) = numerator x `quotRem` denominator x
go 0 = Nothing
go lo = Just $ (lo * 10) `quotRem` denominator x
printDigits :: Show a => NonEmpty a -> String
printDigits (x :| xs) = show x ++ "." ++ concatMap show xs
ghci> take 100 $ printDigits $ longDivision $ calculateE 100
这个近似值实际上似乎适合小数点后约 160 位数字。