我一直在寻找用于计算 Lyapunov 指数的 Python 代码,最后找到了LyapunovExponets代码,但它很长,没有矢量化,也没有使用 python 3 和 ODE 求解器。我需要帮助来对其进行矢量化并使用 solv_ivp 而不是使用的那个。

我打算将此代码用于我的模型,它也是 3D ODE 系统,但几乎不可能理解此代码或修改它以适用于一般 3D ODE 系统。我还希望能够使用不同的 ODE 求解器,因为 RK方法不适用于所有问题。代码也很长,所以我希望它更紧凑,当然还要加快速度。这对于其他研究动力系统的人来说也是有益的。当然有计算 lyapunov 指数的 Matlab 代码,但我希望有一个开源语言的代码。

# LorenzODELCE.py:
#   Estimate the spectrum of Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents
#  for the Lorenz ODEs, using the pull-back method.
#   Also, estimate the volume-contraction (dissipation) rate and the
#   fractal dimenion (latter using the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture).
#   Plot out trajectory, for reference.
# Comment:
#Notice how much more complicated the code has become, given
#that we're writing out variables in component form.
#   This should be rewritten to use vectors, which will be
#  much more compact and easier to debug. Equally important,
#      the code would generalize to any dimension system.

# Import plotting routines
from pylab import *

# The Lorenz 3D ODEs
#Original parameter values: (sigma,R,b) = (10,28,-8/3)
def LorenzXDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z):
    return sigma * (-x + y)

def LorenzYDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z):
    return R*x - x*z - y

def LorenzZDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z):
    return -b*z + x*y

# The tangent space (linearized) flow (aka co-tangent flow)
def LorenzDXDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz):
    return sigma * (-dx + dy)

def LorenzDYDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz):
    return (R-z)*dx - dy - x*dz

def LorenzDZDot(sigma,R,b,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz):
    return y*dx + x*dy + b*dz

# Volume contraction given by
#    Trace(Jacobian(x,y,z)) = b - sigma - 1
def LorenzODETrJac(sigma,R,b,x,y,z):
    return b - sigma - 1
# As a check, we must have total contraction = Sum of LCEs
#    Tr(J) = Sum_i LCEi
# Numerical check: at (sigma,R,b) = (10,28,-8/3)
#    LCE0  ~   0.9058
#    LCE1  ~   0.0000
#    LCE2  ~ -14.572
#    Tr(J) ~ -13.6666
# These use base-2 logs

# The fractal dimension from the LCEs (Kaplan-Yorke conjecture)
#   Assume these are ordered: LCE1 >= LCE2 >= LCE3
def FractalDimension3DODE(LCE1,LCE2,LCE3):
    # "Close" to zero ... we're estimating here
    Err = 0.01
    if LCE1 < -Err:   # Stable fixed point    (-,-,-)
        return 0.0
    elif abs(LCE1) <= Err:
        if LCE2 < -Err:  # Limit cycle        (0,-,-)
            return 1.0
        else:           # Torus               (0,0,-)
            return 2.0
    else:               # Chaotic attractor   (+,0,-)
        return 2.0 + (LCE1+LCE2) / abs(LCE3)

# 3D fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator
def RKThreeD(a,b,c,x,y,z,f,g,h,dt):
    k1x = dt * f(a,b,c,x,y,z)
    k1y = dt * g(a,b,c,x,y,z)
    k1z = dt * h(a,b,c,x,y,z)
    k2x = dt * f(a,b,c,x + k1x / 2.0,y + k1y / 2.0,z + k1z / 2.0)
    k2y = dt * g(a,b,c,x + k1x / 2.0,y + k1y / 2.0,z + k1z / 2.0)
    k2z = dt * h(a,b,c,x + k1x / 2.0,y + k1y / 2.0,z + k1z / 2.0)
    k3x = dt * f(a,b,c,x + k2x / 2.0,y + k2y / 2.0,z + k2z / 2.0)
    k3y = dt * g(a,b,c,x + k2x / 2.0,y + k2y / 2.0,z + k2z / 2.0)
    k3z = dt * h(a,b,c,x + k2x / 2.0,y + k2y / 2.0,z + k2z / 2.0)
    k4x = dt * f(a,b,c,x + k3x,y + k3y,z + k3z)
    k4y = dt * g(a,b,c,x + k3x,y + k3y,z + k3z)
    k4z = dt * h(a,b,c,x + k3x,y + k3y,z + k3z)
    x += ( k1x + 2.0 * k2x + 2.0 * k3x + k4x ) / 6.0
    y += ( k1y + 2.0 * k2y + 2.0 * k3y + k4y ) / 6.0
    z += ( k1z + 2.0 * k2z + 2.0 * k3z + k4z ) / 6.0
    return x,y,z

# Tanget space flow (using fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator)
def TangentFlowRKThreeD(a,b,c,x,y,z,df,dg,dh,dx,dy,dz,dt):
    k1x = dt * df(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz)
    k1y = dt * dg(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz)
    k1z = dt * dh(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz)
    k2x = dt * df(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k1x/2.0,dy+k1y/2.0,dz+k1z/2.0)
    k2y = dt * dg(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k1x/2.0,dy+k1y/2.0,dz+k1z/2.0)
    k2z = dt * dh(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k1x/2.0,dy+k1y/2.0,dz+k1z/2.0)
    k3x = dt * df(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k2x/2.0,dy+k2y/2.0,dz+k2z/2.0)
    k3y = dt * dg(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k2x/2.0,dy+k2y/2.0,dz+k2z/2.0)
    k3z = dt * dh(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k2x/2.0,dy+k2y/2.0,dz+k2z/2.0)
    k4x = dt * df(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k3x,dy+k3y,dz+k3z)
    k4y = dt * dg(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k3x,dy+k3y,dz+k3z)
    k4z = dt * dh(a,b,c,x,y,z,dx+k3x,dy+k3y,dz+k3z)
    dx += ( k1x + 2.0 * k2x + 2.0 * k3x + k4x ) / 6.0
    dy += ( k1y + 2.0 * k2y + 2.0 * k3y + k4y ) / 6.0
    dz += ( k1z + 2.0 * k2z + 2.0 * k3z + k4z ) / 6.0
    return dx,dy,dz

# Simulation parameters
# Integration time step
dt = 0.01
# Control parameters for the Lorenz ODEs:
sigma = 10.0
R     = 28.0
b     = -8.0/3.0
# The number of iterations to throw away
nTransients = 10
# The number of time steps to integrate over
nIterates = 1000

# The main loop that generates the orbit, storing the states
xState = 5.0
yState = 5.0
zState = 5.0
# Iterate for some number of transients, but don't use these states
for n in range(0,nTransients):
    xState,yState,zState = RKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,LorenzXDot,LorenzYDot,LorenzZDot,dt)
# Set up array of iterates and store the current state
x = [xState]
y = [yState]
z = [zState]
for n in range(0,nIterates):
    # at each time step calculate new (x,y,z)(t)
    xt,yt,zt = RKThreeD(sigma,R,b,x[n],y[n],z[n],LorenzXDot,LorenzYDot,LorenzZDot,dt)
    # and append to lists

# Estimate the LCEs
# The number of iterations to throw away
nTransients = 100
# The number of iterations to over which to estimate
#  This is really the number of pull-backs
nIterates = 10000
# The number of iterations per pull-back
nItsPerPB = 10
# Initial condition
xState = 5.0
yState = 5.0 
zState = 5.0 
# Initial tangent vectors
e1x = 1.0
e1y = 0.0
e1z = 0.0
e2x = 0.0
e2y = 1.0
e2z = 0.0
e3x = 0.0
e3y = 0.0
e3z = 1.0
# Iterate away transients and let the tangent vectors align
#   with the global stable and unstable manifolds
for n in range(0,nTransients):
    for i in range(nItsPerPB):
        xState,yState,zState = RKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for maximum LCE (LCE1)
        e1x,e1y,e1z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for next LCE (LCE2)
        e2x,e2y,e2z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for last LCE
        e3x,e3y,e3z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
    # Normalize the tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e1x*e1x + e1y*e1y + e1z*e1z)
    e1x /= d
    e1y /= d
    e1z /= d
    # Pull-back: Remove any e1 component from e2
    dote1e2 = e1x * e2x + e1y * e2y + e1z * e2z
    e2x -= dote1e2 * e1x
    e2y -= dote1e2 * e1y
    e2z -= dote1e2 * e1z
    # Normalize second tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e2x*e2x + e2y*e2y + e2z*e2z)
    e2x /= d
    e2y /= d
    e2z /= d
    # Pull-back: Remove any e1 and e2 components from e3
    dote1e3 = e1x * e3x + e1y * e3y + e1z * e3z
    dote2e3 = e2x * e3x + e2y * e3y + e2z * e3z
    e3x -= dote1e3 * e1x + dote2e3 * e2x
    e3y -= dote1e3 * e1y + dote2e3 * e2y
    e3z -= dote1e3 * e1z + dote2e3 * e2z
    # Normalize third tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e3x*e3x + e3y*e3y + e3z*e3z)
    e3x /= d
    e3y /= d
    e3z /= d

# Okay, now we're ready to begin the estimation
LCE1 = 0.0
LCE2 = 0.0
LCE3 = 0.0
for n in range(0,nIterates):
    for i in range(nItsPerPB):
        xState,yState,zState = RKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for maximum LCE (LCE1)
        e1x,e1y,e1z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for next LCE (LCE2)
        e2x,e2y,e2z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
        # Evolve tangent vector for last LCE
        e3x,e3y,e3z = TangentFlowRKThreeD(sigma,R,b,xState,yState,zState,\
    # Normalize the tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e1x*e1x + e1y*e1y + e1z*e1z)
    e1x /= d
    e1y /= d
    e1z /= d
    # Accumulate the first tangent vector's length change factor
    LCE1 += log(d)
    # Pull-back: Remove any e1 component from e2
    dote1e2 = e1x * e2x + e1y * e2y + e1z * e2z
    e2x -= dote1e2 * e1x
    e2y -= dote1e2 * e1y
    e2z -= dote1e2 * e1z
    # Normalize second tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e2x*e2x + e2y*e2y + e2z*e2z)
    e2x /= d
    e2y /= d
    e2z /= d
    # Accumulate the second tangent vector's length change factor
    LCE2 += log(d)
    # Pull-back: Remove any e1 and e2 components from e3
    dote1e3 = e1x * e3x + e1y * e3y + e1z * e3z
    dote2e3 = e2x * e3x + e2y * e3y + e2z * e3z
    e3x -= dote1e3 * e1x + dote2e3 * e2x
    e3y -= dote1e3 * e1y + dote2e3 * e2y
    e3z -= dote1e3 * e1z + dote2e3 * e2z
    # Normalize third tangent vector
    d = sqrt(e3x*e3x + e3y*e3y + e3z*e3z)
    e3x /= d
    e3y /= d
    e3z /= d
    # Accumulate the third tangent vector's length change factor
    LCE3 += log(d)

# Convert to per-iterate, per-second LCEs and to base-2 logs
IntegrationTime = dt * float(nItsPerPB) * float(nIterates)
LCE1 = LCE1 / IntegrationTime
LCE2 = LCE2 / IntegrationTime
LCE3 = LCE3 / IntegrationTime
# Calculate contraction factor, for comparison.
#   For Lorenz ODE, we know this is independent of (x,y,z).
#   Otherwise, we'd have to estimate it along the trajectory, too.
Contraction = LorenzODETrJac(sigma,R,b,0.0,0.0,0.0)

# Choose a pair of coordinates from (x,y,z) to show
# Setup the parametric plot:
xlabel('x(t)') # set x-axis label
ylabel('y(t)') # set y-axis label
# Construct plot title
LCEString = '(%g,%g,%g)' % (LCE1,LCE2,LCE3)
PString = '($\sigma$,R,b) = (%g,%g,%g)' % (sigma,R,b)
CString = 'Contraction = %g, Diff = %g' % (Contraction,abs(LCE1+LCE2+LCE3-Contraction))
FString   = 'Fractal dimension = %g' % FractalDimension3DODE(LCE1,LCE2,LCE3)
title('4th order Runge-Kutta Method: Lorenz ODE at ' + PString + ':\n LCEs = ' + LCEString + ', ' + CString + '\n ' + FString)
# Plot the trajectory in the phase plane
axhline(0.0,color = 'k')
axvline(0.0,color = 'k')

# Use command below to save figure
#savefig('LorenzODELCE', dpi=600)

# Display the plot in a window


%matplotlib inline  
#%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib import use
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from cmath import*
from numpy import linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy import signal
import scipy as scp
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp, odeint
import pandas as pd 
from scipy import linalg as LA
import nolds

# The Lorenz 3D ODEs
#Original parameter values: (sigma,R,b) = (10,28,-8/3)

def Lorenz_Jac(t,X, sigma,R,b):
    LzJac=np.array([[-sigma, sigma,     0],
         [R-z,    -1,    -x],
           [y,     x, -b]])
    return LzJac

def LorenzFun(t,X,sigma,R,b):
    dxdt= sigma * (-x + y)
    dydt=R*x - x*z - y
    dzdt=b*z + x*y

# The tangent space (linearized) flow (aka co-tangent flow)
def LorenzDXDot(t,X,dxyz,sigma,R,b):
    return[sigma * (-dx + dy),(R-z)*dx - dy - x*dz,y*dx + x*dy + b*dz]

# Volume contraction given by
# Trace(Jacobian(x,y,z)) = b - sigma - 1
def LorenzODETrJac(sigma,R,b,X):
    tr=b - sigma - 1
    return tr
# As a check, we must have total contraction = Sum of LCEs
# Tr(J) = Sum_i LCEi
# Numerical check: at (sigma,R,b) = (10,28,-8/3)
# LCE0  ~   0.9058
# LCE1  ~   0.0000
# LCE2  ~ -14.572
# Tr(J) ~ -13.6666
# These use base-2 logs

# The fractal dimension from the LCEs (Kaplan-Yorke conjecture)
#   Assume these are ordered: LCE1 >= LCE2 >= LCE3
def FractalDimension3DODE(LCE1,LCE2,LCE3):
    # "Close" to zero ... we're estimating here
    Err = 0.01
    if LCE1 < -Err:   # Stable fixed point    (-,-,-)
        return 0.0
    elif abs(LCE1) <= Err:
        if LCE2 < -Err:  # Limit cycle        (0,-,-)
            return 1.0
        else:        # Torus               (0,0,-)
            return 2.0
    else:           # Chaotic attractor   (+,0,-)
        return 2.0 + (LCE1+LCE2) / abs(LCE3)

# 3D fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator

# Tanget space flow (using fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator)

# Simulation parameters
# Integration time step
dt = 0.01
# Control parameters for the Lorenz ODEs:
sigma = 10.0
R  = 28.0
b  = -8.0/3.0
# The number of iterations to throw away
nTransients = 10
# The number of time steps to integrate over
nIterates = 1000

# The main loop that generates the orbit, storing the states
X0=np.array([ 5.0,5,5])
# Iterate for some number of transients, but don't use these states

sol=solve_ivp(Lorenz,t,X0,method= 'RK45',t_eval= t_eval_pts,args=(sigma,R,b),jac=Lorenz_Jac,rtol=1e-08,atol=1e-08); 
# Set up array of iterates and store the current state

# at each time step calculate new (x,y,z)(t)
solt = solve_ivp(Lorenz,t1,[x[-1],y[-1],z[-1] ],method= 'RK45',t_eval= np.arange(0,T,dt),args=(sigma,R,b),jac=Lorenz_Jac,rtol=1e-08,atol=1e-08) ;
# and append to lists
# Estimate the LCEs
# The number of iterations to throw away
nTransients = 100
# The number of iterations to over which to estimate
#  This is really the number of pull-backs
nIterates = 1000
# The number of iterations per pull-back
nItsPerPB = 10
# Initial condition
xState = 5.0
yState = 5.0 
zState = 5.0 
# Initial tangent vectors
e1 = [1.0,0,0]
e2 = [0,1,0]

# Iterate away transients and let the tangent vectors align
#with the global stable and unstable manifolds

# Evolve tangent vector for maximum LCE (LCE1)

# Okay, now we're ready to begin the estimation
LCE1 = 0.0
LCE2 = 0.0
LCE3 = 0.0
for n in range(0,nIterates):
    xState,yState,zState = 
        # Evolve tangent vector for maximum LCE (LCE1)
    e1x,e1y,e1z = 
# Evolve tangent vector for next LCE (LCE2)
    e2x,e2y,e2z = 
# Evolve tangent vector for last LCE
    e3x,e3y,e3z = 
sol1= solve_ivp(Lorenz,LorenzDXDot,t,X0,method= 'RK45',t_eval= t_eval_pts,args=(sigma,R,b),jac=Lorenz_Jac,rtol=1e-08,atol=1e-08)
sol2= solve_ivp(Lorenz,LorenzDXDot,t,X0,method= 'RK45',t_eval= t_eval_pts,args=(sigma,R,b),jac=Lorenz_Jac,rtol=1e-08,atol=1e-08)
sol3= solve_ivp(Lorenz,LorenzDXDot,t,X0,method= 'RK45',t_eval= t_eval_pts,args=(sigma,R,b),jac=Lorenz_Jac,rtol=1e-08,atol=1e-08)

# Normalize the tangent vector

e1x /= d
e1y /= d
e1z /= d
# Accumulate the first tangent vector's length change factor
LCE1 += log(d)
# Pull-back: Remove any e1 component from e2
e2x -= np.dot(e1,e2) * e1x
e2y -= np.dot(e1,e2) * e1y
e2z -= np.dot(e1,e2) * e1z
# Normalize second tangent vector
e2x /= d
e2y /= d
e2z /= d
# Accumulate the second tangent vector's length change factor
LCE2 += log(d)
# Pull-back: Remove any e1 and e2 components from e3
e3x -= np.dot(e1,e3) * e1x  +  np.dot(e2,e3) * e2x
e3y -= np.dot(e1,e3) * e1y  +  np.dot(e2,e3) * e2y
e3z -= np.dot(e1,e3) * e1z  +  np.dot(e2,e3)* e2z
# Normalize third tangent vector
e3x /= d
e3y /= d
e3z /= d
# Accumulate the third tangent vector's length change factor
LCE3 += log(d)

# Convert to per-iterate, per-second LCEs and to base-2 logs
#IntegrationTime = dt * float(nItsPerPB) * float(nIterates)
#LCE1 = LCE1 / IntegrationTime
#LCE2 = LCE2 / IntegrationTime
#LCE3 = LCE3 / IntegrationTime
# Calculate contraction factor, for comparison.
#For Lorenz ODE, we know this is independent of (x,y,z).
#Otherwise, we'd have to estimate it along the trajectory, too.
Contraction = LorenzODETrJac(sigma,R,b,0.0,0.0,0.0)

# Choose a pair of coordinates from (x,y,z) to show
# Setup the parametric plot:
xlabel('x(t)') # set x-axis label
ylabel('y(t)') # set y-axis label
# Construct plot title
LCEString = '(%g,%g,%g)' % (LCE1,LCE2,LCE3)
PString = '($\sigma$,R,b) = (%g,%g,%g)' % (sigma,R,b)
CString = 'Contraction = %g, Diff = %g' % (Contraction,abs(LCE1+LCE2+LCE3-Contraction))
FString   = 'Fractal dimension = %g' % FractalDimension3DODE(LCE1,LCE2,LCE3)
title('4th order Runge-Kutta Method: Lorenz ODE at ' + PString + ':\n LCEs = ' + LCEString + ', ' + CString + '\n ' + FString)
# Plot the trajectory in the phase plane
axhline(0.0,color = 'k')
axvline(0.0,color = 'k')

# Use command below to save figure
#savefig('LorenzODELCE', dpi=600)

# Display the plot in a window

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