在 Open3D 中,我们可以使用鼠标在可视化窗口中旋转相机。但是我们怎么翻译呢?理想情况下,有一种直观的键盘+鼠标方式,但也欢迎编程方式。


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-- Mouse view control --
  Left button + drag         : Rotate.
  Ctrl + left button + drag  : Translate.
  Wheel button + drag        : Translate.
  Shift + left button + drag : Roll.
  Wheel                      : Zoom in/out.

-- Keyboard view control --
  [/]          : Increase/decrease field of view.
  R            : Reset view point.
  Ctrl/Cmd + C : Copy current view status into the clipboard.
  Ctrl/Cmd + V : Paste view status from clipboard.

-- General control --
  Q, Esc       : Exit window.
  H            : Print help message.
  P, PrtScn    : Take a screen capture.
  D            : Take a depth capture.
  O            : Take a capture of current rendering settings.


于 2020-07-28T07:50:16.010 回答