I am using dronekit-python in a docker container and am attempting to connect to an instance of MAVProxy running on my host machine (Mac OSX) using the following command:

vehicle = connect('udp:host.docker.internal:14551', wait_ready=True)

but am getting the following error:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymavlink/mavutil.py", line 1015, in __init__
self.port.bind((a[0], int(a[1])))

OSError: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address

Does anyone know what the issue is here? I am able to successfully connect using the above command when I run the python script locally on host but not when I have it running in a docker container.

I found a similar stackoverflow question here but the accepted answer did not work for me. Not sure if I need to be exposing ports or something like that.

Here is the command that I am running on my host machine to kick off MAVProxy: mavproxy.py --master= --out udp: --out udp: --out udp:


1 回答 1


我最终得到了主机上的 MAVProxy 和正确连接的 docker 烧瓶容器中的dronekit-python。

Seemus790 在这个gitter 线程中的回答起到了作用。

工作解决方案:主机上的 MAVProxy(在我的情况下为 Mac OS)

mavproxy.py --master= --out udp: --out udp: --out=tcpin:


vehicle = connect('tcp:host.docker.internal:14552', wait_ready=True)

诀窍是 mavproxy 命令的 --out=tcpin: 部分,此处记录

于 2020-05-11T01:57:08.247 回答