如何在 mongos mapreduce 中指定条件,就像我们在 mongos 组函数中所做的那样。
{lid:1000, age:23}, {lid:3000, age:23}, {lid:1000, age:24}.
我只想发出值为 1000 的盖子emit(this.lid, this.age)
。但这将发出所有值。我想在这里有个条件。map reduce 有什么方法吗?我尝试在 reduce 函数中使用 if 条件进行过滤,但它不起作用
参数中执行此操作。从文档页面:http ://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/MapReduce#MapReduce-Overview
{ mapreduce : <collection>,
map : <mapfunction>,
reduce : <reducefunction>
--> [, query : <query filter object>] <--
[, sort : <sorts the input objects using this key. Useful for optimization, like sorting by the emit key for fewer reduces>]
[, limit : <number of objects to return from collection>]
[, out : <see output options below>]
[, keeptemp: <true|false>]
[, finalize : <finalizefunction>]
[, scope : <object where fields go into javascript global scope >]
[, verbose : true]
您的映射函数是一个 javascript 函数。你可以让它做任何你想做的事情,例如:
if (this.lid == 1000) emit(whatever);