我一直在评估 MonoTouch 和 MonoDroid,并认为它们看起来是很棒的产品。我刚刚看到一篇文章报道 Mono 开发人员在收购 Novell 后被 Attachmate 解雇 (http://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2011/05/attachmate-lays-off-mono-emplo.html)如果这是真的,这对 MonoTouch 和 MonoDroid 工具意味着什么?


1 回答 1

  1. It doesn't say if they ALL were laid off...so lets not speculate.
  2. I would learn MonoTouch anyways. It is a great way to become familiar with the Cocoa Touch libraries and the IPhone SDK. I feel like after working with MT for a year now, I can understand Objective-C code much easier and even write it when I need to.
于 2011-05-03T19:34:48.027 回答