我能够让它与下面的代码一起工作。关键是放大单个组件需要设置一个状态——我可以使用下面的“authState”来做到这一点。除了打字稿之外,区别似乎是在 html 中明确指定状态。
设置 authState(用户:null,状态:'signUp',如下所示)应该足以消除错误并显示注册表单。
在此处的代码中,我还添加了更多项目来演示更多关于如何使用 authState 的信息。
用户输入详细信息并单击注册后,页面将显示“确认注册”表单,用户可以在其中输入 Cognito 发送给他/她的验证码(取决于您的 Cognito 设置):
<amplify-auth-sign-up [authState]="authState" *ngIf="showSignUp"></amplify-auth-sign-up>
<amplify-auth-confirm-sign-up [authState]="authState" *ngIf="showVerify"></amplify-auth-confirm-sign-up>
import { AmplifyService } from 'aws-amplify-angular';
import { AuthState } from 'aws-amplify-angular/dist/src/providers';
Export class AuthComponent implements OnInit {
public authState: AuthState
public newUser: any
public state: any
public showSignUp = true
public showVerify = false
constructor(public amplifyService: AmplifyService) {
this.authState ={ //setting this should be enough to show the sign-up form and remove the error
user: null,
state: 'signUp'
this.amplifyService.setAuthState(this.authState) //this might not be required
this.amplifyService.authStateChange$ //listening for state changes. For example, if you want to take action after the user has submitted the sign up form
.subscribe(authState => {
this.state = authState.state
this.newUser = authState.user
if (this.newUser){ //just an example of getting data from the stateChange. Not required.
this.username = this.newUser.username
if (this.state === 'confirmSignUp'){//get change in state
this.authState ={
user: authState.user,
state: 'confirmSignUp'
this.showSignUp = false
this.showVerify = true
另请注意,我发现 Amplify 组件可以向用户显示我不希望用户看到的错误消息——随机的技术内容。可能有一种方法可以自定义(这里有一些讨论),但一定要测试许多不同的场景以了解可能出现的错误消息。